Zestaw 2 - Dom, Matura ustna podstawowa


A. Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji

Chcesz wynająć pokój w Bristolu w czasie wakacji. Przeprowadź rozmowę w biurze pośrednictwa nieruchomości.

- Poinformuj rozmówcę, na jak długo chcesz wynająć pokój.

- Zapytaj o odległość od sklepów.

- Dowiedz się, ilu będziesz miał współlokatorów.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminujący/

A: Hi, there. How can I help you?

B: I'd like to rent a room for four weeks in August.

A: OK, I have one single room for you. I think it will be just fine. It's in Lint Street.

B: Is it very far from here?

A: Well, actually you'll have to take a bus. It's about five stops from here. There are two bus lines going there.

B: Is that place situated close to a bus stop?

A: Yes, there's one just round the corner.

B: And are there any shops nearby? If I`d like to prepare some breakfast or something else… I hope I can use the kitchen.

A: Oh, yeah, you can, obviously. It's very near all kinds of shops and cafes there. About a 5-minute walk. It's a really good place.

B: And one more question. How many people are going to stay in the same place with me?

A: In the house there are three rooms that we're renting. And one of them will be yours.

B: Good, so it's not crowded. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

B: Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Wynająłeś/wynajęłaś pokój w domu pod Londynem. W rozmowie ze znajomym/znajomą z Anglii:

- powiedz, w jakich okolicznościach znalazłeś/znalazłaś ten pokój,

- opisz, co zmieniłeś/zmieniłaś po wprowadzeniu się,

- powiedz, jak zmieniały się Twoje stosunki ze współlokatorami.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: I finally found a room where I can stay.

B: Oh, that's good news. Where is it?

A: It's in the suburbs of London. Twickenham. I like it very much. My friends told me about it. They were leaving London and they thought I might go and live there in their place.

B: Good. And you said yes.

A: Yes, but I had to change some things there.

B: Really? You didn't like it then? Were you allowed to change things?

A: Oh, yes. I asked the landlord and he was happy that he would have the room redecorated. He only said that I couldn't get rid of old furniture. So I painted the room all white and bought myself a second-hand desk.

B: It sounds great. I hope the room isn't very cramped now.

A: Oh, no. It's rather a big room. The other tenants were a bit surprised when I started painting it.

B: Were they? How many of them are there anyway?

A: Four people, two men and two women living on two floors. It just didn't occur to them that they could change something so they didn't do anything. At the beginning they thought I was a member of the landlord's family. They thought I was going to spy on them.

B: Oh no! But that was a bit funny, wasn't it?

A: Yes, they thought that if I was allowed to make changes in my room, I was someone special. It was so silly of them. It was enough to ask the owner, that's all.

B: Yeah.

A: And you know what I did? I organized a party for all of them. You know, to break the ice and make friends with them. But officially it was to celebrate the redecoration.

B: Great idea.

A: Yes. We had such fun.

C. Negocjowanie

W biurze szkoły językowej w Londynie rozmawiasz o zakwaterowaniu na czas kursu.

- Powiedz, że chciałbyś/chciałabyś zamieszkać w jednym domu z osobami z tego samego kursu.

- Nie zgódź się na zakwaterowanie u rodziny i podaj uzasadnienie.

- Zaproponuj, że poszukasz osoby, która zamieszka u rodziny zamiast Ciebie.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: I'd like to talk about my accommodation during the course. I met some of the people who are going to attend the same course. We have agreed to stay in one house, four of us. So I'd like to give up the room with that English family you talked about.

B: I'm afraid it cannot be arranged. They are expecting you tonight in fact.

A: That's a real pity. But, you see, I met those people and we like one another. They are not Polish, so I will not speak Polish to them, only English. [They come from four different countries and I would like to meet people from all over the world]. Please, could you do something about it? Now I don't want to stay anywhere else.

B: I'm afraid I can't help you. How can I face the family now? They have already made preparations.

A: Of course, I realize that. But I have an idea. I remember talking to some people who would like to stay with a family rather than with an international group. I promise to find at least one person by 2 o'clock. They may still be downstairs, talking.

B: OK, I hope it can be done, only if you find a person to replace you. I think it is fair.

A: All right. I'm sure I can find someone very soon. Thank you very much.


The photograph shows two people, a woman and a man, who are sitting in a living room. The woman is sitting on the sofa [in the foreground of the picture]. She has brown hair and she is wearing a sports cap [back to front] and glasses. She is dressed in a white T-shirt and dark blue shorts. She is holding a pen in her left hand and she is looking at the screen of a laptop computer in front of her on the sofa. The man is sitting on the sofa behind her, to the right of the picture. He has dark hair. He is wearing a grey T-shirt and dark blue trousers or shorts. He is talking on the phone and reading a newspaper which he is holding in his right hand. In the background there is a window with some freshly cut pink flowers in a vase that is on the window sill to the left.

  1. Are the people in the picture enjoying themselves or rather working on something? Why do you think so?

In my opinion it is hard to say if the people in the picture are enjoying themselves. It is possible. I think they are spending an afternoon at home, it may even be Sunday. The woman is working on something. The man is talking on the phone and reading his newspaper at the same time. He is probably calling a theatre or cinema to book tickets for the evening.

  1. How do you spend your free time at home?

At home in my free time I usually watch television or read books, or play computer games. I think it is nothing original, because many people spend their free time like that. Sometimes I spend some time with my family. We go to the cinema or we simply stay at home and do something as a family, for example play games.


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