Czasowniki w nawiasach wyraź w czasie Present Perfect, Methodology, materialy na lekcje

Czasowniki w nawiasach wyraź w czasie Present Perfect:

  1. We…………………….(live) In Warsaw for 10 years.

  2. I………………………….(not be) to England since 1985.

  3. Mr. Brown……………………..(work) in bank for 20 years.

  4. We…………………………..(not speak) to John since Monday.

  5. Mary………………………………(not phoned) since yesterday evening.

  6. I……………………………(know) the Browns since last Summer.

  7. We…………………………….(not see) each other for years.

  8. Students……………………………(be) here since 10 o`clock.

  9. The Wilsons just……………………(phone) to say that they won`t come.

  10. We already……………………………(finish) work and we`re going home.

  11. I…………………….(read) this book and I don`t think it is worth reading.

  12. I just………………………..(write) letter to the Browns and now I`m going to post it.

  13. Lately I…………………….(not see) any interesting films.

  14. Can you repeat what you……………..(say)?

  15. How do you know it`s true? Mary…………………….(tell) me.

  16. I………………………(hide) this letter so well that I can`t find it myself.

  17. You………………….(hear) the latest news? John and Marry…………….(get) married.

  18. You………………(learn) to swim at least?

  19. You ever…………………..(be) in a car crash, Peter?

  1. My wife and I ………………….(eat) at that restaurant before.

  2. The phone…………………..  (ring) three times this morning.

  3. The orchestra ………………….. (begin) playing Latin music.

  4. The flowers …………………………… (bloom) early this spring .

  5. We…………………………………  (have) a severe storm in this area.

  6. The students ………………………………. (finish) their test.

  7. She………………………………………..  (open) the door with her keys.

  8. The mechanic ………………………………………. (fix ) the car.

  9. She says that she  …………………………………(see, already) that film.

  10. The students ………………………………………. (use) that book all semester.

  11. They ……………………………………… (buy) a new car for their trip to Maine.

  12. The newspaper ……………………………….. (arrive, not) this morning.

  13. The fire  ……………………………………..(burn) the house and the barn.

  14. The show ………………………………………….. (start) on time tonight.

  15. Mr. Rodriguez  …………………………………………(go) to Europe on business.

  16. He …………………………………………………….. (teach) English for many years.

  17. The teacher ……………………………….. (give) us homework every day.

  18. They …………………………………. (watch, always) the news at 6:00 p.m.

  19. She says she…………………………………..  (be) in Alaska twice.

  20. The weather………………………………….  (turn) cold in the last few days.


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