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Wojskowe Studium Nauczania Języków Obcych





Przeczytaj uważnie zdanie i wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.

Read the sentences and choose the correct answer.

1. The police will replace………………old cars with new faster model.

a. there

b. their

c. theirs

d. it's

2. The meeting will begin …………………15 minutes.

a. from

b. in

c. before

d. over

3. ……………people came to the meeting than everyone expected.

a. less

b. little

c. fewer

d. more few

4. Each of the job-applicants …………….in the business for over 5 years.

a. have been working

b. were working

c. had been working

d. been worknig

5. Dr Johnson wants his patients………………….all medical tests.

a. are taking

b. take

c. will take

d. to take

6. You were…………………to the office 2 hours ago!!! Where have you been???!!!

a. supposed to report

b. must report

c. should reporting

d. supposed reports

7. My wife and I …………………married for 3 years now.

a. will be

b. has been

c. have been

d. will have been

8. My boss ……………….rather not invest any more money in new equipment.

a. has to

b. could

c. would

d. must

9. I can't go out tonight. I must………………my sister's baby.

a. put off

b. look on

c. take cover

d. look after

10. The released reporter said that the police ………………. him just before the rebellion started.

a. arrested

b. was arrested

c. had arrested

d. has arrested

11. If we ………………….richer, we could go skiing in winter, but we are in debt now.

a. were

b. had

c. was

d. did be

12. The government were …………….by the media for their foreign policy.

a. critics

b. critically

c. criticised

d. criticising

13. We prepared the documents……………… . Noone else was involved.

a. alone

b. ourselves

c. ours

d. lonely

14. ……………the books to the library? If not, do it now!

a. were you return

b. you returned

c. did you return

d. did you returned

15. The police ……………….advise using public transport on 1st November.

a. strong

b. strongly

c. more strong

d. stronger

16. Bill and John are playing tennis with ………………..

a. themselves

b. them

c. one another

d. each other

17. Well, I don't mind………………. longer today if I can go home earlier tomorrow.

a. to work

b. work

c. to working

d. working

18. Sir, when Mr Brown …………………. his meeting, he will certainly call you back.

a. finish

b. finishes

c. finished

d. will finish

19. I can't meet you next week. On Monday I………………..to London for a conference and a business meeting, and it will last till Friday.

a. am flying

b. will fly

c. fly

d. going to fly

20. The suspected man…………………..the diamonds. He has a perfect alibi.

a. can't have stolen

b. mustn't have stolen

c. needn't have stolen

d. shouldn't have stolen


Przeczytaj uważnie zdanie i wybierz słowo które najlepiej uzupełnia zdanie.

Read the sentences and choose the most suitable word.

21. The stock-broker needs to check the Dolar-Zloty ……………….rate every day.

a. exchange

b. changing

c. gold

d. money

22. Waiter said: “Would you like your steak rare, medium or...................., Sir?”

a. overcooked

b. hard

c. well-done

d. hard boiled

23. According to the police, the factory burned down as a result of.....................

a. matches

b. exploding

c. arson

d. heat-stroke

24. My passport is not ..........................any more. It's too old so I must apply for a new one if I want to go abroad.

a. valid

b. managed

c. customed

d. lively

25. John …………….for coming late to the meeting.

a. sorried

b. thanked

c. apologised

d. applied

26. Tiger is one of the species most threatened with……..

a. endanger

b. conservation

c. exclusion

d. extinction

27. The Old Town in Kraków is my favourite ………….of the city, it's old and interesting.

a. division

b. district

c. suburb

d. exhibition

28. After heavy rains the river broke its banks and nearby villages were ……….

a. watered

b. floated

c. flooded

d. hydrated

29. The manager was fired for...................of the company's money and is facing court charges now.

a. employment

b. embezzlement

c. shoplifting

d. vandalism

30. To protect the environment we should all ………….plastic, glass and metal containers.

a. waste

b. recycle

c. tricycle

d. encircle

31. Jack fell down the stairs and twisted his…………- so his foot was put in plaster.

a. knee

b. head

c. uncle

d. ankle

32. After the show the delighted ……………. gave the actors a standing ovation.

a. audience

b. auditors

c. spectacles

d. onlookers

33. The Internet is a great …………….of information.

a. seeker

b. saucer

c. source

d. researcher

34. When we were travelling through the mountains, all trains were……………because of heavy snowfall for over 2 hours.

a. derailed

b. delayed

c. latered

d. departed

35. There is much………………in the third world countries. People own nearly nothing and live in slums.

a. poverty

b. poorness

c. cheapness

d. missings

36. My city offers a lot of …………………….places like cinemas, theatres, discos and others.

a. exhibition

b. competition

c. entertainment

d. agricultural

37. The local authorities want to build a small football-……………..for the kids next to our primary school.

a. ring

b. pitch

c. course

d. boycott

38. All VIPs have many bodyguards to protect them from …………..attempt.

a. an association

b. an assassination

c. a eggthrowing

d. troubleshooting

39. During the presidential election 56% of the …………….came to the polling stations to cast a ballot.

a. customers

b. surveys

c. selections

d. voters

40. Yesterday a car …………on a slippery country road and hit a tree.

a. sleazy

b. skidded

c. slippers

d. glider


W tym zadaniu są dwa teksty. Przeczytaj uważnie każdy tekst i wybierz słowo które najlepiej uzupełnia lukę. Zanim zaczniesz wybierać słowa przeczytaj uważnie tekst do końca.

There are two texts in this task. Read the text and choose the best answer. Remember to read the whole text before choosing your answers.


Inconceivably, “Survivor” reality show's first US (41)………………, Richard Hatch, 45, won $ 1 million on Prime Time TV and failed to declare it on his tax return. In fact, Hatch reported a negative(42)………… for the year and asked for $ 4'483 in refunds.

A jury (43)………………. him of not paying taxes and last Thursday a Long Island Court sentenced him to 51 months in prison. “It seems unfortunately very clear to me that Mr. Hatch also lied”, said the (44)……………, adding that; “Hatch also tried to manipulate five (45)………….people.” In his defence one can say that this was once a winning strategy.


a. successor

b. winner

c. champion

d. victorious


a. income

b. comes

c. comming

d. money


a. send

b. honoured

c. told

d. convicted


a. juror

b. judge

c. referee

d. justice


a. strange

b. another

c. them

d. other


Do Ancient Egyptian relics fire your imagination? Egyptologists had lost (46)…………. in a looted site near king Tut's tomb that was soon to become a parking lot. (47) …………… , in 1988 Dr Kent Weeks, an American Egyptologist, organised one final exploration during which he was (48)………………to open a door blocked for thousands of years, (49) ……………….hid a discovery of a lifetime. A tomb consisting of over a hundred, mostly unexcavated chambers, some of which debris. The tomb is believed to be the resting of up to 50 sons of Ramses II, perhaps the (50)……………………known of all the pharaohs.


a. hobby

b. fashion

c. interesting

d. interest


a. Secondly

b. However

c. And also

d. Beyond


a. able

b. go

c. could

d. try


a. old

b. who

c. which

d. ago


a. better

b. best

c. good

d. well


Przeczytaj uważnie tekst i odpowiedz na pytanie/pytania:

Read the text and answer the question/questions:

51 [Author ID1: at Wed Jan 2 19:52:00 2008 ]

A census of the endangered one-horned rhinoceros has begun at Bardiya National Park, where poaching during Nepal's recent years of violent conflict is believed to have decreased numbers of the animals by half. Security against poaching has now improved.

51. From the text we learn that

a. poachers probably killed one third of the rhinos.

b. one-horned rhinos will be counted at the National Park.

c. Nepal enjoyed peace in recent past.


Britons are risking an epidemic of cancer by failing to control rising levels of obesity, according to a Word Cancer Research Fund expert. He said at the start of Cancer Prevention Week that 40 per cent of cancers linked to obesity could be prevented by exercise and a healthy diet.

52. From the text we learn that obesity

a. is not linked to 40 per cent of cancers.

b. is on the decrease in Britain.

c. increases the risk of cancer.


Hamas pounded Fatah compound in an attempt to take control of the Palestinian Gaza Strip yesterday. Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas demanded a ceasefire as key positions fell and 15 people were killed - bringing the death toll to 50 in four days. The dead included two demonstrators marching against the fighting that has brought Hamas and Fatah - who share power - to virtual civil war.

53. From the text we learn that

a. Fatah leader broke a ceasefire.

b. Fatah and Hamas control the Palestinian Gaza Strip together.

c. thirty-five people were killed in the latest fighting.


David Hicks, 31, has returned to Australia after five years' imprisonment in Guantanamo Bay, which is an American prison camp, to spend the rest of the remaining nine months of his sentence on home soil, after a deal with prosecution in which he admitted selling equipment to terrorists.

54. David Hicks

a. is Australian.

b. will serve five years in prison.

c. planned some of the terrorist attacks.


British Muslim terrorist Quaisar Shaffi was convicted yesterday of involvement in a plot to blow up a tube train under the Thames.

Shaffi, 28, was a henchman of al-Qaeda general Dhiren Barot, 34, now serving 30 years. The pair intended to explode a `dirty bomb' and detonate gas cylinders mantled in limos in car parks under tall buildings in London. The Heathrow Express was another target.

Shaffi will be sentenced with six other gang members at London's Woolwich Crown Court tomorrow.

55. From the text we learn that

a. the police has not caught Shaffi's superior yet.

b. the court hasn't found Shaffi guilty yet.

c. one of Shaffi's targets was a London underground train.


ASDA has given up a campaign that aimed to reduce excess packaging by encouraging customers to return wasteful wrappings to its stores.

The hope was that suppliers could be pressured to improve and be more ecological. ASDA blames the customer apathy for the failure of the campaign at stores in York and Dewsbury.

56. ASDA

a. still asks customers to return wasteful wrappings to its stores.

b. blames stores in York and Dewsbury for the failure of its campaign.

c. stopped its campaign.


People with learning difficulties such as Down's syndrome are to be tagged and monitored by satellite technology in a controversial pilot project.

The plan to electronically monitor a group of people with special needs in the way that criminals are tracked when under curfew has received a mixed reception.

People promoting the plan say it will increase safety and allow carers to track their movements without having to accompany them. Critics say it resembles “big brother” and that technology should not be used in place of proper care.

The scheme is being tested by England's largest housing association.

57. From the text we learn that

a. the system is similar to the one applied to criminals.

b. the project has been successful in many countries already.

c. everybody is optimistic about the project.


A photographer working for the Standard, an independent newspaper in Zimbabwe, was threatened by police after he photographed the wounds of lawyers assaulted by police during a recent anti-government demonstration in Harare.

Davison Maruziva, the paper's editor, called the harassment part of “the state's terror crusade”. The intention “ is to scare us from covering [the Government's] brutality,” Mr Maruziva said.

58. From the text we learn that

a. a few lawyers were killed in Zimbabwe.

b. Zimbabwean government want to discourage independent journalists.

c. a photographer was arrested by the police.


A US company may be charged with stealing Spanish heritage in taking coins worth $370m from a British warship sunk in 1694. Odyssey Marine Exploration could be prosecuted if the wreck is confirmed to be in Spanish waters.

59. A US company

a. will probably be taken to court.

b. has found a Spanish warship.

c. has stolen the wreck of the warship.


A serial saboteur has caused chaos for hundreds of homes and businesses by tearing their phones lines.

The brazen vandal has carried out numerous attacks - getting onto telegraph poles in broad daylight to cut wires in Greater Manchester. Some witnesses have remembered the suspect - who is said to be white, in his 20s, wearing a hooded top and riding a blue bicycle. Police Inspector Serena Kennedy said: “It needs to be stopped.”

60. The saboteur

a. stole the wires.

b. climbed up the telegraph poles.

c. has been captured.

This is the end of the test.




  1. B

  2. B

  3. C

  4. A

  5. B

  6. A

  7. D

  8. C

  9. B

  10. C

  11. D

  12. C

  13. B

  14. A

  15. B

  16. B

  17. C

  18. B

  19. B

  20. A

  21. A

  22. C

  23. C

  24. A

  25. C

  26. D

  27. B

  28. C

  29. B

  30. B

  1. D

  2. A

  3. C

  4. B

  5. A

  6. C

  7. B

  8. B

  9. B

  10. B

  11. B

  12. A

  13. D

  14. B

  15. D

  16. D

  17. B

  18. A

  19. C

  20. B

  21. B

  22. C

  23. B

  24. A ????

  25. C

  26. C ???

  27. A

  28. B

  29. A

  30. B
