1 Szkoła
Test 1A
Poziom podstawowy
1 New Exam Builder, page 9 Read the text and match paragraphs 2-6 with headings A-F. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.
A Future education prospects _____
B Higher standards of behaviour _____
C The key to home-schooling success _____
D Reasons for choosing home-schooling _____
E The daily routine _____
F Overcoming the problem of social isolation ____
___ / 5
2 Choose the correct word to complete sentences 1-8.
1 Sorry, but the only way to remember irregular verbs is to learn them by head / finger / heart.
2 However hard I try, I can't examine / memorize / do all those dates!
3 The subjects you have to take, like Polish or maths, are called compulsory / optional / important subjects.
4 A good presentation should combine / review /
carry out text and graphics so that it attracts viewers' attention.
5 Actually, we're doing / making / creating a project on schools in different countries.
6 We studied / carried out / solved an experiment to discover the differences between these two types of substances.
7 The students were asked to browse / watch / memorize several websites to prepare for the discussion on human rights.
8 Today's biology lesson was really interesting. We were assigning / examining / designing cells under the microscope.
___ / 8
3 Complete sentences 1-7 with the correct words.
1 In some parts of Australia, where the farms are quite r_ _ _ _ _ (far away from places where other people live), students usually attend correspondence schools called the School of the Air.
2 In Britain, children aged 5-11 go to p_ _ _ _ _ _ school.
3 If you like singing, you could join the school c_ _ _ _.
4 In the Polish school system, students take final e_ _ _ s every three years.
5 If you want to know what time your history lesson starts, just check your t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
6 Both boys and girls go to my daughter's school
- it's c_-e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
7 Many students in our school p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
in extra-curricular activities.
___ / 7
4 Use the verbs in brackets in the present simple or continuous to complete sentences 1-10.
1 What time __________________ Polish students __________________ (start) their school day?
2 Peter __________________ (attend) a very interesting conference this week.
3 The school rock band __________________ (meet) at 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4 Janice, stop doing it! You __________________ (always/make) noise in class!
5 Students __________________ (borrow) books from the school library.
6 I __________________ (not stay) at school this afternoon. I have to look after my little brother.
7 Mary is studying French this year. She __________________ (get) better and better.
8 The Sun __________________ (not go) round the Earth! It's the other way round!
9 __________________ the girls __________________ (do) their homework at the moment?
10 I'm afraid I __________________ (not believe) in ghosts.
___ / 10
5 Complete the phrases with: at, for, from, on, in or by.
1 take an active part ______________ a lesson
2 eat ______________ lunchtime
3 arrive ______________ a physics lesson
4 play ______________ the playground
5 graduate ______________ university
6 be ______________ time
7 sit ______________ the back
8 graduate ______________ two years' time
9 apply ______________ a scholarship
10 go jogging ______________ Friday evening
___ / 5
6 Read the picture description. Complete gaps
1-6 with the correct words.
The picture 1 __________________ a typical lesson. There are four 2 __________________ sitting at their 3 __________________ desks. They are wearing school uniforms: white shirts and dark trousers or skirts. They are 4 __________________ to the 5 __________________, who is in the 6 __________________ of the picture.
___ / 6
7 Do the exam task.
W ramach wymiany międzynarodowej do twojej szkoły mają przyjechać uczniowie ze Stanów Zjednoczonych. Napisz zaproszenie na przedstawienie, które grupa teatralna twojej szkoły organizuje dla gości.
Poinformuj o tematyce przedstawienia.
Podaj termin wydarzenia.
Poproś o punktualne przybycie.
Zachęć do udziału w przedstawieniu.
___ / 5
8 Translate the words in brackets into English.
1 The students _________________ (rozwiązują) maths _________________ (problemy).
2 Alice loves to know everything about music and painting, so she_________________ (woli) _________________ (artystyczne) subjects.
3 At the conference, teachers _________________ (rozmawiają) about the ways to help their students not to _________________ (oblać) the maths and physics tests.
4 _________________ (Z prawej strony) of the picture there is a whiteboard.
5 What are the _________________ (minusy) of _________________ (chodzenia) to a boarding school?
___ / 9
Total: ___ / 55
1 Szkoła
Test 1A
Poziom rozszerzony
9 Exam Extender, page 7 Read the text and decide if sentences 1-6 are true or false.
1 The French Lycée seems old-fashioned.
T / F
2 Madonna doesn't approve of the British lifestyle, and that's why she sent her children to a French school.
T / F
3 The French Lycée is unpopular among rich,
well-educated families.
T / F
4 The school is very attractive to students because of its facilities and modern
T / F
5 The rules and requirements in the French Lycée are much stricter than in most British schools.
T / F
6 Andréa Duras sent her children to the French Lycée because she believes good education gives people the self-confidence that they need in life.
T / F
___ / 6
Use of English
10 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the word given. Do not change the word given.
1 People say that Michael robbed the bank. (said)
Michael _______________________ the bank.
2 Lucy would rather watch horror films than comedies. (watching)
Lucy _______________________ comedies.
3 I advise you to have a good night's sleep before the exam. (had)
You _______________________ a good night's sleep before the exam.
4 Peter's mother doesn't want him to be an actor. (would)
Peter's mother _______________________ an actor.
5 Jim is too weak to be in the school weightlifting team. (enough)
Jim is _______________________ to be in the school weightlifting team.
___ / 5
11 Complete sentences 1-5 with the correct words.
1 Julia is always present at school. She never s_ _ _s any lessons.
2 At the beginning of the school year, all the students a_ _ _ _ _ _ _d in the hall to listen to the head teacher's speech.
3 As well as her obligatory lessons, Mary a_ _ _ _ _ed the sports club.
4 All our teachers require us to h_ _ _ in our homework assignments on time.
5 In order to r_ _ _ _ _ _ a master's degree from a Polish university, you have to study for five years.
___ / 5
12 Choose the correct word to complete sentences 1-5.
1 I know the answer. It's on the tip of my
toe / thigh / tongue.
2 She remembered a funny situation and shrieked / chuckled / muttered at the memory.
3 His bad behaviour will have serious
problems / repercussions / benefits.
4 This word rings a(n) bell / ear / alarm,
but I do not remember what it means.
5 Mary leaned over and whispered / yelled / shrieked something very softly in Jerry's ear.
___ / 5
13 Complete the text with the words in the box. There are two words which you do not need to use.
After As soon as The moment Immediately Just While |
1___________________ Susan was walking
in the park, she suddenly saw her old friend, Tom. 2___________________, she walked closer and called his name. 3___________________ Tom heard her, he turned around and looked at her, puzzled, as if trying to remember who she was. 4___________________ he recognized her, he smiled broadly.
___ / 4
Total: ___ / 25
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Oxford Excellence for matura Test 1 A