1 Uzupełnij dialogi, używając there is, there are, is there, are there, there isn't lub there aren't.
0 A: Are there any parks where you live?
B: Yes, there are. There are two big parks in my town.
1 A: __________________ any photographs of my grandparents in this album, Mum?
B: No, __________________, but __________________ some photographs of your grandparents in the red photo album. Do you want to see them?
2 A: Excuse me. ___________________ a bank near here?
B: No, I'm afraid ___________________. Well, __________________ a bank near the station, but you have to take the bus to get there.
3 A: _____________________ any shops where you live?
B: Yes, __________________ some shops, but not many.
2 Ułóż zdania twierdzące (v), przeczące (x) i pytające (?), używając konstrukcji there is / there are
i some / any.
0 v There is some ice cream in the fridge.
? Are there any knives on the table?
x There isn't any milk left.
1 v ___________________________ potatoes in the basket.
2 x _________________________ tomatoes left.
3 ? __________________________ soap in the kitchen?
4 v ________________________ fresh towels in the bathroom.
5 ? ________________________ trees in your garden?
6 v ________________________ honey in the jar.
7 x ________________________ water in the pool.
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