Spanish Tongue Twisters
Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal. |
їUsted no nada nada? |
Hay chicas chachareras que chacotean con chicos chazos. Y un chico mete al chillón de la chepa un chichón por chirrichote, y el chiste, y lo chocante, es que la chepa se le ha chafado con la hinchazón del chirlo. |
Ñoño Yáñez come ñame en las mañanas con el niño. |
Tengo un tío cajonero |
El vino vino, pero el vino no vino vino. El vino vino vinagre. |
Poquito a poquito Paquito empaca poquitas copitas en pocos paquetes. from Venezuela |
De Guadalajara vengo, jara traigo, jara vendo, a medio doy cada jara. Que jara tan cara traigo de Guadalajara. from Mexico |
Del pelo al codo y del codo al pelo, del codo al pelo y del pelo al codo. |
El volcán de parangaricutirimícuaro se quiere desparangaricutiriguarízar, y él qué lo desparangaricutiricuarízare será un buen desparangaricutirimízador. |
їCómo me las maravillaría yo? |
Compadre de la capa parda, no compre usted mas capa parda, |
Pablito piso el piso, pisando el piso Pablito piso cuando Pablito piso el piso, piezas de piso piso Pablito. |
Debajo de la puente de Guadalajara había un conejo debajo de la agua. |
Un tubo tiró un tubo y otro tubo lo detuvo. Hay tubos que tienen tubos pero este tubo no tuvo tubo. |
Si la sierva que te sirve, no te sirve como sierva, de que sirve que te sirvas de una sierva que no sirve. |
Juan tuvo un tubo, |
Un podador podaba la parra y otro podador que por allí pasaba le preguntó: Podador que podas la parra. їQué parra podas? |
Con un cuchillo de acero te descorazonaré, |
Los hombres con hambre hombre, abren sus hombros hombrunos sin dejar de ser hombres con hambre hombre hombruno. Si tú eres un hombre con hambre hombre hombruno, pues dí que eres un hombre com hambre y no cualquier hombre hombruno sino un hombre con hombros muy hombre, hombre. |
Treinta y tres tramos de troncos trozaron tres tristes trozadores de troncos y triplicaron su trabajo, triplicando su trabajo de trozar troncos y troncos. |
Yo vi en un huerto un cuervo cruento comerse el cuero del cuerpo del puerco muerto. |
De generación en generación las generaciones se degeneran con mayor degeneración. |
Platicando placidamente en la plateada planicie de la playa se oía el plañir plañidero plañiendo. |
No me mires, que miran |
María Chuchena su techo techaba, y un techador le pregunta: |
Comí cacahuates, me encacahaticé, |
Comí chirimoyas, me enchirimoyé, from Chile |
Juan junta juncos junto a la zanja. |
Un parangaricutirimicuarano quería parangaricutirimicuarar, y el que parangaricutirimicuare será un parangaricutirimicuarizador. |
El pato le dijo a la pata. Pata pa'ti traigo patas arriba la pata de un pato patón. Patón pati-largo, patón como tú. Le tiró la pata el pato a la pata y la pata cogió al pobre pato a pata. |
Dábale arroz a la zorra el abad. a palindrome |
En la plaza de Constantinopla había una esquina, en la esquina una casa, en la casa un balcón, en el balcón una estaca, en la estaca una lora. La lora está en la estaca en el balcón de la casa en la esquina de la plaza de Constantinopla. |
34 Supercalifragilisticoespiralidoso, aunque al oirlo hablar se te hace medio enredoso, si lo dices con humor sera mas fabuloso, supercalifragilisticoespiralidoso from the Spanish version of Mary Poppins (?) |
Una pájara peca, meca, derga, andorga, cucurruchaca, coja y sorda, tiene unos pajaritos pecos, mecos, dergos, andorgos, cucurruchacos, cojos y sordos, si esta pájara no fuera peca, meca, andorga, cucurruchaca, coja y sorda, no tuviera los pajaritos pecos, mecos, dergos, andorgos, cucuruchacos, cojos y sordos! |
Yo tengo una gallina pinta, piririnca, piriranca, rubia y titiblanca, esta gallina tiene unos pollitos pintos, piririncos, pirirancos, rubios y titiblancos, si esta gallina no fuera pinta, piririnca, piriranca, rubia y titiblanca, no tuviera los pollitos, pintos piririncos, pirirancos, rubios y titiblancos! |
Una cacatrepa trepa tiene tres cacatrepitos. Cuando la cacatrepa trepa trepan los tres cacatrepitos. |
Otorrinolaringólogo trabaja en la otorrinolaringología. |
El tomatero Matute mató al matutero Mota porque Mota el matutero tomó de su tomatera un tomate. Por eso, por un tomate, mató el tomatero Matute al matutero Mota. |
Tengo una tablita bien entarbintantinguladorsita. |
Estaba en el bosque Francisco buscando a un bizco vasco tan brusco, que al verlo le dijo a un chusco: ""Busco al vasco bizco brusco."" |
Debajo del puente de Guadalajara hay quatro guadalajarios que guadalajéan debajo del agua. |
Llega Galo al lago y liga luego al lego de Lugo muy largo en lengua que al lago llega tras luengas leguas. |
Tres pollos bolos peludos. |
Un burro comía berros y el perro se los robó, el burro lanzó un rebuzno, y el perro al barro cayó. |
Yo tenía una gata etica peletica pelada peluda con rabo lanudo, que tenía tres gatos eticos peleticos pelados peludos con rabos lanudos. Si la gata no fuese etica peletica pelada peluda con rabo lanudo, los gatitos no fuesen eticos peletcos pelados peludos con rabo lanudo. |
їCómo en Como come Ud?, |
48 Parangaricutirimicuaro village in Michoacan, Mexico |
Una amiga gordita amigajonadita. |
Camarón, caramelo, |
Si el caracol tuviera cara como tiene el caracol, |
Que col colosal colocó en aquel local el loco aquél. |
Mi mamá me mima, |
Parra tenía una perra. |
Rosa Rizo resa ruso, ruso reza Rosa Rizo |
En Pinto, Juan Ponte el quinto, por la pintura despunta, y al puente de punta a punta pinta al punto Ponte en Pinto. |
El perro de Rosa y Roque no tiene rabo, |
Las papas que pelan Paca y Pola |
La sucesión sucesiva de sucesos sucede sucesivamente con la sucesión del tiempo. |
Como dice el viejo dicho
Que primero prepare paprica |
їCuánta madera roería un roedor si los roedores royeran madera? |
Desavecindarme quiero de mi desavecindación. |
Jaime baja la jaula. |
Si yo como como como, |
Un viejo trigeminado, quié lo trigeminaría |
Tras el triple trapecio de Trípoli trepaban trigonométricamente |
Mi caballo pisa paja, paja pisa mi caballo. |
Ese bobo vino nunca beber debe, vida boba y breve vivirá si bebe. |
Riqui tiqui tembo nosarembo cherri berri rucci quiperipembo. |
Una capa trepa-trepa cuatro capas de trapito. |
ЎLos mariscos amarillescos son muy deliciosos! |
Pedro Perez peluquero prefiere peines Piramide |
Paco Pino Ponte Pascual Pйrez pinta pinturas preciosas para personas pudientes. |
Pepe puso un peso en el piso del pozo. |
Fenildimetilpirazolonmetilaminometanfulfonato sodico |
ЎEsmerílemelo! |
Jorge el cerrajero vende cerrajes en la cerrajería. |
Tengo una puerca pescuesicrespa |
Si tu eres tu, |
Porque puedo, puede, |
Comprй pocas copas, |
El amor es una locura |
Hoy ya es ayer |
En casa de paranguaricutirimicuaro |
Si tu gusto gustara del gusto que mi gusto gusta, mi gusto también gustará del gusto que tu gusto gusta. Pero como tu gusto no gusta del gusto que mi gusto gusta, mi gusto tampoco gusta del gusto que tu gusto gusta. |
Pabla le dió con el palo a Pablo y Pablo le dió con la tabla a Pabla. |
Este pocillo se me desnarizorejó. |
Corazуn de la recorazonerнa. |
El rey de Constantinopla quiere desconstantinopolizarse. |
Los cojines de la Reina. |
їCómo como? |
Cómo quieres que te quiera |
Erre con ""erre"" cigarro, |
Esta es la llave de la casa! |
Un pañuelo de cuatro puntas |
Como quieres que te quiera si al que quiero que me quiera no me quiere como quiero que me quiera. |
Cuando cuentas cuentos nunca cuentas cuantos cuentos cuentas, |
Tras tres tragos y otros tres, |
Me han dicho que has dicho un dicho, que han dicho que he dicho yo. El que lo ha dicho mintió, y en caso que hubiese dicho ese dicho que han dicho que he dicho yo, dicho y redicho quedó, y estará bien dicho ese dicho que han dicho que he dicho yo. |
El cielo esta emparangaricutirimicuarizado, quien lo desemparangaricutirimicuarizará. |
El que poca papa gasta poca papa paga. |
Tras tus tres tristes tigres que triste estás Trinidad. |
Por una ladera abajo iba una bifigafa con siete bifigafitos. Se cayó un bifigafito. Por ir a coger al bifigafito se cayó la bifigafa. |
Cuando cuentes cuentos, cuenta cuantos cuentos cuentas, cuando cuentes cuentos. |
Contigo |
Zaca er zaco de za ar zo pa que ze zeque. Andalucian dialect |
- Compadre, cуmpreme un coco. |
Erre con erre cigarro |
Cuando digo digo, digo Diego Cuando digo Diego, digo digo. |
Las tablas de mi balcón mal entablilladas estan. |
Paco Peco, chico rico, insultaba como un loco |
Hay Cilicia y Cecilia, Sicilia, Silecia y Seleucia |
El sapo sapote no come camote. |
El recorre el barril. |
El arzobispo de Constantinopla se quiere desarzobisconstantinopolitanizar. El desarzobisconstantinopolitanizador que lo desarzobisconstantinopolitanice, buen desarzobisconstantinopolitanizador serб. |
Pepe Pecas pica papas con un pico. |
Pablito clavó un clavito |
Pedro Pablo Pйrez Pereira |
A mí me mima mi mamá. |
Si Sansón no sazona su salsa con sal, le sale sosa; Manual para educar la voz hablada y cantada de Cristian Caballero. |
Como poco coco como, poco coco compro. |
Parra tenía una perra |
En tres tristes trastos de trigo, |
Pancha plancha con cuatro planchas. |
Botifarrón desembotifarrónate. |
El suelo esta encuadriculado. |
El cielo está encapotado. |
Con este puñal y aquél te descorazonaré, con este puñal y aquél te descorazonaré ... |
El perro de San Roque no tiene rabo porque Ramón Ramirez se lo ha robado. |
Mi mamá me mima mucho. |
La gallina cenegoza que en el cenicero está déjala que se encenice que ella se desencenizará. |
Compadre, cómprame un coco. |
María Chucena techaba su choza |
El obispo vasco de Vizcaya busca el obispo vasco de Guipúzcoa. |
Un perro rompe la rama del arbol. |
Buscaba el bosque Francisco, |
Tres tristes tigres, tragaban trigo en un trigal en tres tristes trastos. |
Han dicho que he dicho un dicho, |
Perejil comí, perejil cené. |
Tengo una gallina pinta pipiripinta gorda pipirigorda pipiripintiva y sorda que tiene tres pollitos pintos pipiripintos gordos pipirigordos pipiripintivos y sordos. Si la gallina no hubiera sido pinta pipiripinta gorda pipirigorda pipiripintiva y sorda los pollitos no hubieran sido pintos pipiripintos gordos pipirigordos pipiripintivos y sordos. |
Tengo una chiva etica peletica pelin pin petica pelada, peluda pelin pin puda que tiene tres chivitos eticos peleticos pelin pin peticos pelados peludos pelin pin pudos. Si la chiva no fuese etica peletica pelin pin petica los chivitos no fueran eticos peleticos pelin pin peticos pelados peludos pelin pin pudos. |
El cielo esta enladrillado. їQuién lo desenladrillará? El desenladrillador que lo desenladrillare buen desenladrillador será. |
Ese dicho, que me han dicho, que tu has dicho, que yo he dicho, ese dicho no lo he dicho porque si lo hubiera dicho, ese dicho estaria bien dicho por haberlo dicho yo. |
En un juncal de Junqueira, juncos juntaba Julián. |
Cabral clavó un clavo. |
Paranguaricutirimicuaro |
Tengo un durazno from Mexico |
Miel de abeja, miel de abeja, miel de abeja, ... from Puerto Rico |
Dábale arroz a la zorra el abad. a palindrome from Barranquilla, Colombia |
Una que habla del querer. |
La pнcara pбjara pica la tнpica jнcara; a la tнpica jнcara, pica la pнcara pбjara. |
Detrás del palo seco comí miel y hierba seca. from Bolivia |
Rough Translations Three sad tigers were swallowing wheat on a wheat field. You dont swim at all? No, I didn't bring a (swim) suit. chacharera: charlatana. chacotear: divertirse con burlas y risas. chirrichote: necio, tonto. chirlo: corte, herida. Ñoño Yáñez eats yams in the morning with the boy. (?) The wine came, but the wine didn't come (as) wine. The wine came (as) vinegar. Little by little Paquito is packing some wine glasses in a few boxes. From Guadalajara I come, bringing arrows, selling arrows, for half the price I give away each arrow. What expensive arrows I bring from Guadalajara. From the hair to the elbow and from the elbow to the hair, from the elbow to the hair and from the hair to the elbow. Nonsensical sentence. Parangaricutirimicuaro is a village in Michoacan, Mexico. Brother of the brown gown, don't buy anymore brown gown, because who buy many brown gowns, pays for many brown gowns. I who bought many brown gowns, paid for many brwon gowns. Pablito stepped on the floor, while stepping on the floor Pablito stepped on pieces of the floor, he stepped on. Under the bridge of Guadalajara there was a rabbit under the water. A pipe hit a pipe and another pipe stopped it. There are pipes that have pipes but this pipe had no pipe. If the servant that serves you, doesn't serve as a servant, of what use is the service of a servant that doesn't serve.
A pruner was pruning a grapevine and another pruner that passed by there asked him: From generation to generation the generations degenerate with more degeneracy. Chatting placidly on the silvered plane of the beach one heard the mourning mourner mourning. He who listens to the mourning mourner mourning will be one greatly mourned. (plañidero = professional mourner) Don't look at me, for if they see that we are looking at each other, and they will see in your eyes that we love each other. Let's not look at each other, so that when they don't look at us we will look at each other. María Chuchena was thatching her roof, and a thatcher asks: What ar you thatching María Chuchena, are you thatching your cottage or somebody elses? I'm not thatching my cottage nor somebody elses, I'm thatching the roof of María Chuchena. about eating peanuts about eating a chilean fruit from Quillota (a place) Juan is binding reeds by the ditch. The abbot gave rice to the fox. (?) A caterpillar that climbs has three baby caterpillars. When the caterpillar climbs the baby caterpillars climb. Otorhinolaryngologist works in otorhinolaryngology. The tomato farmer Matute killed the smuggler Mot becaus Mota the smuggler took a tomato from the tomato field. Because of one tomate, the tomato farmer Matute killed the smuggler Mota. Nonsense sentence (?) Under the bridge of Guadalajara there are four people from Gaudalajara who are ""guadalajazing"" under the water. Galo arrive at the lake and join later Lugo the ignorant tattler, who arrived at the lake from very far. Three chickens round feathered. Three feathered chickens round. A donkey ate some grass and the dog stole it, the donkey got angry and the dog fell into the mud. Popular nonsense sentences about cats and kittens How do you eat in Como (lake in northern Italy)?, What? How I eat in Como? I eat in Como as I eat in Como, I eat in Como as you eat in Como. A fat fluffy girlfriend Crayfish (shrimp), caramel If the snail had a face as it has a spiral, (it) would be a face, would be a cabbage, would be a snail with a face. What a colossal cauliflower that crazy man put in that place. What a colossal cauliflower that crazy man put in that place. My mother spoils me, and I spoil my mother. Parra had a dog, Guerra had a grapevine. Parra's dog climbed on Guerra's grapevine. Guerra hit Parra's dog with a club. And Parra said to Guerra: ""Why has Guerra hit Parra's dog with a club?"" And Guerra answered: ""If Parra's dog wouldn't have climbed on the grapevine of Guerra, Guerra wouldn't have hit Parra's dog with a club."" Rosa Rizo prays in Russian, in Russian prays Rosa Rizo In Pinto, Juan Pont the fifth, outstanding for his painting, and is painting the point of Punto in Pinto from end to end at the bridge. The dog of Rosa and Roque doesn't have a tail, because Ramon Ramirez has cut it off. The potatoes that Paca and Pola are pealing, Pepe is putting, little by little, in piles. The sequence of success follows in sequence with the passing of time. As the old saying says, and that saying I have said, that saying that saying that they have said, said it be: That first prepare the paprika to pepper my first food, and when it is peppered, I will prepare myself to begin to greedily swallow the first peppered food. How much wood would a rodent gnaw, if rodents would gnaw wood? avecindar = to register a person as a resident, avecindarse = to become a resident (inhabitant), desavecindarse = to abandon the resident status. James lowers the cage. If I eat as I eat, and you eat as you eat. How do you eat as I eat? When I eat as I eat. (?) (?) My horse steps on hay, hay is stepped on by my horse. This fool never should drink wine, a short and dumb life he will live if he drinks. Name used in the book Tikki Tikki Tembo by Arlene Mosel, claimed to be a Chinese name ""Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo"" meaning ""the most wonderful thing in the whole wide world"". A cloak climbs-climbs four layers of rags. When the cloak climbs-climbs, four layers of rags climb-climb. The yellowish seafood is very delicious! Pedro Perez barber prefers Piramid combs because Piramid combs comb perfectly. You should prefer (ask for) Piramid! Paco Pino Ponte Pascual Perez paints precious paintings for wealthy people. For the poor he paints little because they pay low prices. Pepe put a peso on the bottom of the well. On the bottom of the well Pepe put a peso. Sodic phenyldimethylphyrazolonmetyilaminomethansulphonate Polish it for me! George the locksmith sells locks in the locksmith. I have a curly-necked female pig with it's curly-necked piglets. So, if she's a curly-necked female pig, so, if they're curly-necked piglets, children of the curly-necked female pig. If you are you and I am I, which one of us is the stupidist of us? Because I can you can, because you can I can. But, if you can't neither can I. I bought few glasses (of beer or wine), few glasses I bought, as I only bought a few glasses I only payed for a few. Love is a crazy thing that only a priest can cure, but the priest who cures it comits a great error. Today already is yesterday, and yesterday is today, the day has already arrived and today is today. If your taste would taste what my taste tastes, my taste will taste what your taste is tasting. But since your taste isn't tsting what my taste is tasting, my taste will neither taste the taste your taste is tasting. Pabla hit Pablo with a stick and Pablo hit Pabla with a board. This tankard has smelled out. The king of Constantinople wants to be un-constantinopolized. Whoever unconstantinopolizes him, a good un-constantinopolizer will be. The Queen's cushions. The Sultan's boxes. What cushions! What boxes! In what box do they go? How do I eat? I eat like I eat! How do you want me to like you if the one I want to like me doesn't like me as I want him to like me. French: Comment veux-tu que je t'aime si celui que je veux qui m'aime ne m'aime pas comme je voudrais qu'il m'aime. R with an ""R"", cigar. ""R"" with an ""R"", barrel. Rapid run the cars (of the train) loaded with the railroad's sugar. this is the key to the house the house is in the plaza in the house there's a room in the room there's a floor on the floor is a table on the table there's a cage inside the cage there's a bird that sings and says: from bird in cage to, cage to table, table to floor, floor to room room to house, house to plaza ""this is the key to the house"". A handkerchief with four corners of pure pita (agave thread), of pita pure, of pure pita, of pita pure, a handkerchief with four corners. How do you want me to like you if the one I want to like me does not like me the way I want him to like me. When you tell stories you never count how many stories you tell, because when you tell stories you never count how many stories you tell. After three drinks and another three, and another three after the three drinks, drink and drink (cause) devastation, hors d'oeuvres pranks, [nonsense word] section and glutton 33 rum drinks followed by extreme trout pieces in an instant might be thundered by a thunder. They told me that you have said a saying, that they said I said. Who said that has lied, and if I would have said that saying that they said that I said, said and re-said is remains, and it would be well said that saying that they said I said. school kid nonsense Who wastes few potatoes pays few potatoes. After your three sad tigers how sad are you Trinidad. Down a ladder went a bifigafa with seven little bifigafos. A little bifigafo fell down. Because she went to get the little bifigafo, the bifigafa fell down. When you tell stories count how many I enter a train with wheat with you, a train with wheat I enter with you. Take the sack of salt out into the sun so that it can dry.
- Friend, buy me coconut. R with R cigar, R with R barrel, swift roll the wagons carrying sugar to the train. Paco Peco, (a) rich kid, Insulted his uncle Fred like a madman, And (Fred) said, ""Little by little, Paco Peco, it hurts me less!"" The sly frog eats no sweet potato. He mends the barrel. The archbishop of Constantinople wants to be un-archbishop-constantinopolized. Whoever un-archbishop-constantinopolizes him, a good un-archbishop-constantinopolizer will be. Pepe Pecas is hacking potatatoes with a pick. ... Pablito nailed a nail in the bald patch of a small bald man, ... Pedro Pablo Pérez Pereira, poor portuguese painter paints pictures for little money to survive in Paris. My mother spoils me. Because I eat little coconut, I buy little coconut. Parra had a dog and Guerra had a grapevine. The dog of Parra broke the grapevine of Guerra. Then Guerra took a club and killed the dog of Parra. From three sad pots of wheat, three sad tigers ate wheat. Three sad tigers ate wheat, from three sad pots of wheat. Pancha irons with four irons. With how many irons does Pancha iron? The floor is chequered. Who will unchequere it? The unchequerer who could unchequere it would be a good unchequerer. The sky is overcast. Who will uncloak it? The encloaker who encloaked it will be a good uncloaker. The dog of San Roque does not have a tail because Ramon Ramirez stole it. My mother spoils me a lot. The chicken ash-lover is in the ashtray. Let her get full of ashes, she will un-ash herself. Friend buy me a coconut. Friend, I don't buy coconut, since the one who eats little coconut buys little coconut. Because I eat little coccnut I buy little coconut. María Chucena was thatching her cottage when a woodcutter who was passing by said: María Chucena, are you thatching your cottage or somebody elses? I'm not thatching my cottage nor somebody elses, I'm thatching the cottage of María Chucena. The Basque bishop of Vizcaya is looking for the Basque bishop of Guipuzcoa. A dog breaks the tree's branch. Francisco, a cross-eyed very brusque Basque, was searching for the forest. And an ill-mannered (person) who saw him, asked: Are you searching for the forest, cross-eyed Basque? Three sad tigers swallowed wheat in a wheat field from three sad bowls. In three sad bowls, three sad tigers swallowed wheat. They have said that I have said a saying, such a saying I have not said. Because, if I would have said the saying well said that saying would have been, for having been said by me. Parsley I ate, parsley I dined. When will I un-parsley myself? Children's rhyme with some nonsense adjectives about a hen and her little chicks. Children's rhyme with some nonsense adjectives about a goat and her little goats. The sky is ""bricked up"". Who will ""un-brick"" it? The ""un-bricker"" that will ""un-brick"" it a good ""un-bricker"" will be. That saying, that they said that you said that I said, that saying I didn't say, because if I would have said it would have been well said for having been said by me. In the reeds of Junqueria, Julian was collecting reeds. Juan joined him to collect them and together they collected reeds. Cabral nailed a nail. What nail did Cabral nail? A small town in Mexico I have a peach (tree). Very peach producing. Who would pick (all) the peaches would be a great peach picker. bee's honey, bee's honey, bee's honey, ... The abbot used to give rice to the fox/vixen. One who speaks of loving. How do expect me to love you if the one I would love to love me doesn't love me as I would love to be loved by him. Behind the dead tree, I ate honey and dry grass. Muchas gracias Amarilis , Amarylis , Susan , Adriana Aboytes, Darién Acevedo, María Acosta, Baron Alas, Ronda Allen, Pablo Alliende, Jessica Aqulera, Emma Arana, María Julia Arias, Sophie Athlan, Alfonso Ballesteros, Marta Beltran, Manuel Bermudez, Jaap Blonk, Javier Bonifax, Neca Boullosa, Ann Brunning, Daniel Caliz, Marco Calvo, Alacran Cebollero, Anthony Chaumont, Jerry Christensen, Gene Cooperman, Julian Cosmes Cuesta, Miguel Cuenca, Aurora de los Reyes, Erika Diaz, Lorena Duran Navarro, David Enright, Eduardo Escalier, José Martín Espinoza, Randy Estes, Mirna Flores, Christian Friederici, Oscar Garcia, Mariluz García-Imhof, Salvador Garza, Lucy Gedrites, Frank Gerace, Andrea Giraldez, Roberto Miguel Goenaga Curi, Hugo J. Gomez, Juan Gonzales, Luis Grisolia, Rene Guerra, Rodrigo Haces Guillen, Pelirojo Harolyng, Ana María Hendrix, Sandy Hernandez, Nelson Hernández, Warren Hill, Jennifer Holly, Pedro Hoyos-Salcedo, José Jorge Garcia, Alvites Juan, Ari Kahn, Aaron Killpack, Heidi L. Kinsley, Conrad Kirksey, Elizabeth Kirkwood, Nick Koleszar, Linda Kraft, Amelia Labbe, Juan Larruquert, Ramón León Bolaños, Walt Lyford, Saúl Maldonado, Ivan P. Matthieu, Mike McCarty, Michelle Minnelli, Susan Mitchell, Weimar Moreno, Victoria Muñoz, Isidro Murillo, Mario on, Jorge Pardo, Earvin Pastrana, Mari Paz Pedraza, Carlos Peña, Thiaudière Philippe, Manuel Pozos, Ivy Prince, Javier Pulgar-Vidal, Diana Ramirez, Wanda Ramirez, Leonel Ramos, Francisco Ramos Izquierdo, Dan and Alysse Rasmussen, Francisco Reyes, Daniel Richter, Ricardo Ríos Pérez, Anneris Rodriguez, David Rodriguez, Ivonne Rojas, Eugenia Romero, Florencia Rubiolo, Leticia Salazar, Leonard Sandin, Syd Schneider, María Teresa Sellent, Jeff Short, María Silva, Carlos Silveyra, Guiu Sobiela-Caanitz, Mario Soto, Jeannine Staller, Jaime Tabares-Mesa, Dina Tleugobulova, Bergan Torre, Vanessa Torres, Ana Rossina Troncoso-Grullón, Daniel Velásquez, Cesareo Velez, Ignacio Vera, José David Villalobos, Jorge Villaseñor, Teressa Weaver, Kathryn Whitaker, Lorenzo Wood, Ally Wright, Yadira Yáñez, Gonzalo Zaldo |