Nonverbal Communication interviev 1.06, Licencjat






Mariola Stanczak

Komunikacja niewerbalna w wywiadzie

Praca dyplomowa

napisana pod kierunkiem

dr Anny Bączkowskiej

Koszalin, 2010






Mariola Stanczak

Nonverbal Communication in the Interview

Praca dyplomowa

napisana pod kierunkiem

dr Anny Bączkowskiej

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Koszalin, 2010

Table of contents:

List of figures:

Fig. 1 Physical appearance (positive face). 12

Fig. 2 Physical appearance (negative face). 12

Fig.3 Eyesight behavior (avoiding eye contact). 13

Fig.4 Legs crossing. 13

Fig.5 The pointing finger. 14

Fig.6 Palm directed downwards. 15INTRODUCTION

In this work I will try to explain how and why nonverbal communication is important in human lives.

Every day, people respond to thousands of nonverbal signals and behaviors including postures, facial expressions, eye gazes, gestures, and other. From the handshakes to our hairstyles nonverbal details discover who we are and impact how we relate to other people.

In the first chapter an attempt was made to explain what the nonverbal communication is and how the information is sent without speaking words.

Later, in chapter two, by means of pictures and comments, examples are given that are the representations from the range of nonverbal behaviour described in chapter one.


Nonverbal communication

The general intention of this chapter is to explain what communication is and non-verbal communication in particular. Next, the non-verbal communication models are introduced with special attention put to the aspects of touch, physical appearance and body language. Finally the face and eyesight behaviors and their interpretations are presented.

    1. Definitions of verbal and nonverbal communication

Quoting after Richmond and McCroskey (2000:1) communication is the process of one person stimulating meaning in the mind of another person by means of verbal and/or non-verbal messages”. While verbal communication is the process of speaking, the non-verbal communication is the process of one person stimulating meaning in the mind of another person or persons by means of nonverbal messages.

Verbal messages are dependant on the language, while nonverbal messages do not demand the presence of any language. This may suggest that nonverbal communication is a communication without words. As the language is a system of coding the meaning by words it may be understood only by people who share the common language. On the contrary, the nonverbal behavior in most cases is not the part of any coding system.

Verbal messages are discontinuous, which means that speaker says words and stops and than says again. Nonverbal behavior never stops. Even while asleep, human body sends nonverbal massages. The absence of behavior sends a message just as much as the presence. In front of another human being one cannot not to communicate.

Nonverbal messages serve primarily an affective, relational or emotional function. The content of what we say is communicated by the verbal message. Both types of communication (verbal and nonverbal) are often important to the success of the communication between persons. To create a positive attitude the verbal communication alone may not be enough. Therefore, verbal and nonverbal components of communication are necessary for a receiver to get the entire message and understand the meaning behind it.

William Dwight Whitney claimed that (in Załazińska 2006: 55) “language is a way of expressing human's thoughts. It's unlimited and identified not only with verbal speech”. According to that definition, some scholars (Załazińska 2006: 56) state that there are four models of communication.

First of them is the code model that base on presume that there are some sources and recipients of coded information that was sent through some kind of a channel. The recipient that is a target point of sending information decodes the information included in the message due to the knowledge of the code. The source and the code are in some way included in the brain of the sender. The process of deciding takes place in the brain of the recipient. This model presumes that information that is coded will be decoded. That is why communication is commonly called as a process of sending information.

This model, however, does not mirror the real communication. It does not consider that the same information may be understood differently by its sender and recipient. Code models do not take under consideration context that may have an impact on the change in meaning.

Therefore, intentional models have been defined. They assume that the meaning of a message is dependant on speaker's intentions: he chooses from many different possibilities wording that expresses his intentions in a way that best gives what he meant. Recipient's role is to decode the meaning literally and in process of inference understanding speaker's communicative intensions. The role of context in such case is essential.

Perspective accepting model assumes that due to the subjectivism of the point of view of communication participants, they have to work out a mutual context or understanding area in order to understand each other. To achieve this they accept the perspective of the other side. In other words - they try to imagine the situation that is the situation of the other conversation participant.

Dialogue model are different from others by focusing on the role that a target participant of communication has. Modes mentioned before had two things in common. Firstly, the speaker's aim was to create a speech that would adequately transfer the single meanings. Secondly, the task of a listener is to receive the speech - to identify the speaker's aim.

Dialogue model analyze communication always according to primal face to face dialogue. From this point of view communication is not information exchange between two identical speech transmitters but most of all it is a mutual work of participants that cooperate to achieve a communicational goal. This mutual understanding, meaning negotiating is being worked out in every communication all over from the beginning.

    1. Touch

Touch has been called the most potent nonverbal message in communication. Although this may not be an universal truth. It is generally true in such countries as United States where touch is commonly forbidden. Touch in this culture sends a truly potent message that can hardly be ignored. In this country especially it is treated as a taboo, whereas in other countries it is not that serious.

Touching oneself is often a sign of uncertainty or discomfort. When a person is stressed one's muscles become tense and they may sweat and itch. Therefore they may rub the areas affected. Lying is often a stressful activity thus rubbing can be an indicator. However, it can also mean that the person is worried about something or that it is just hot.

    1. Physical appearance

Communication as a whole is a process that involves a variety of messages within a given context. It is dynamic, ongoing and interactive process that is non-linear. This means that the same verbal or nonverbal behavior do not always produce the same outcome. Messages are processed by receivers within the context. There are several categories of nonverbal messages. One of them is physical appearance, which is the first message we send to anyone who we see. If this message is deplored by the receiver the further conversation may not continue. There are many aspects of physical appearance that produce potential messages. Among them are: body size, body shape, facial features, etc.

    1. Body language

Messages generated by movements of hands, arms, posture and torso are often called body language. However, this terminology is misled due to the fact this is not a linguistic system that one can learn. The study of body movement and expression is known as kinesics. People move their bodies in the process of communication because, it helps to ease the mind when communication is difficult.

Some researches (Engleberg 2006: 137) show that physical expressions uncover many aspects of the person's character and attitude towards the other speaker. One of the most basic body-language signals is crossing arms across the chest. This indicates that a person puts up an invisible barrier between the speakers. It can also simply imply that the person is being cold. This would also be acknowledged by rubbing the arms or huddling. When the overall situation is friendly, it means that a person is thinking deeply through the discussion. But in a serious troublesome situation, this gesture expresses strong opposition.

It is notice worthy that some people with certain disabilities, but not only, use and understand body language in a different way, or not at all. Interpreting their gestures in the context of regular body language may lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations. People from different cultures can interpret body language in different ways as well.

    1. Face expression

The face shows the speaker's attitude towards the message he wants to pass. This could be shown by examples below:

`Help! I can't swim!'

`Please help me with dishwashing.'

The word help used in two different situations have the same meaning, but the context gives the urgency of the situation.

According to politeness theory (Brown and Levinson 1987: 38), all speakers have both negative and positive face-wants which they try to respect. Negative face-wants are based on a desire no to be restricted in one's freedom of action. As a result, a speaker will decrease the imposition implicit in the formulation of a request (“a face threat”) by encoding of an utterance that fronts deference. Camp talk threatens an addressee's negative face-wants with its on record request for solidarity and support. Positive face-wants, in contrast, are based upon the desire to be appreciated and approved of. In Brown and Levinson's terms, camp can often be seen to involve threats to an addressee's positive face-wants by indicating the speaker does not care about the addressee's positive self-image, therefore, the insult, ridicule, put-downs, etc.

    1. Eyesight behavior

The behavior of eyes is also important. These messages are of a major influence on expressing emotions and regulating interactions between people.

Consistent eye contact may suggest that a person has a positive attitude towards the speaker and what he is saying. Another meaning is that the person declines to trust the speaker enough to take his eyes off him. Lack of eye contact can indicate negative attitude. On the other hand, people with anxiety disorders are often unable to make eye contact due to discomfort. Eye contact is often a misleading gesture because, in the childhood, people are usually taught to make eye contact while speaking. If a person sustains an eye contact and is making the arms-across-chest signal, it may indicate that something is bothering the person, and that the talk needs to be made.

    1. Gesticulation

Gesticulation was present in human behavior almost since the primal ages. Open palms were associated by ancient cultures as a sing of truth, honesty, loyalty and compliment. In the cave age open hands showed that a man approaching was not armed and had nothing to hide. At present this gesture is used in courts during the pledging while the right arm is raised and the open palm is shown to the committee.

The palm directed downwards signalises the lack of respect and the want to dominate the situation. The requests and orders given wit this gesture will be disobeyed and unenthusiastic unless one has the appropriate authority among the group.

Another often used gesture is the palm with the pointing finger erected. It is one of the most irritating gestures. It is a symbol of poke that forces the listener to obedience.

The handshake is also of great importance. If the palm is given upwards it signalises the person intents to lead the meeting. However, the palm given downwards signalizes the submission, which may be used to make an impression the opposite party controls the situation. If palms meet at the same level it means that both participants respect each other and treat themselves at the same level.

Hand gestures are important when one wants to recognize the trustiness of the second party. Even a child makes three different gestures using hands to protect itself. By covering it's eyes, ears and mouth it prevents itself from seeing, hearing or saying something unwelcome. Adults cover their mouth and push the chin by thumb to prevent form saying lies. Sometimes this gesture is covered by a sudden attack of cough. If a person behaves this way it certainly means he or she is lying. While listening the gesture is made a suggestion of lying is made. Thus, it is a good time to pause the speech and confront the others' opinion. The lie is also indicated by delicate touching the nose. The itching is excluded as to the fact that this filling is mollified by a permanent scratching. Also the chafe of the eye is suspicious, because one may by this means hide the eyesight while not saying the truth.

    1. Legs crossing

Legs crossing may suggest the defensive or negative attitude. Standard position of this kind is based on putting the right leg over the left one and may symbolize a tension or a reserve. Nevertheless it may be caused of the person being tired or looking for the comfortable position. However, if this gesture is combined with the arms crossing it shows the disapprobation of the listener. While standing one may cross his/her legs as well, especially during a conversation with a stranger when one feels uncertain.

Other situation with one leg on the ground and the calf of the other put on the knee symbolizes the certainness of a speaker and suggests the want for competition.

Also the feet position is of a crucial importance. In two people's conversation their feet are opposite to each other in a straight position. But, when there is a willingness of a third party to participate, feet of all three should play the role of apexes of a triangle, therefore all participants feel invited to the conversation. If it is otherwise, one of them may consider being rejected.

    1. Summary and conclusions

Chapter one of this work treats about different aspects of communication. The main focus has been put to the non-verbal communication. The aim of the following part has been to present the non-verbal messages sent by speakers. It has been covered by means of physical appearance, body language and the touch.

Finally, this chapter has also considered the attitude of the speaker towards the topic. This has been described in positive and negative face as well as the eyesight, hands and legs behavior.


Successful communication during the interview

The aim of this chapter is to present by examples the nonverbal behavior of participants of live talk shows available in polish television. The shows have been chosen randomly and the reason for choosing the talk shows as examples derives from the fact that they are filmed and run by means of a two person talk, which make them best for the analysis of nonverbal communication.

    1. Examples of nonverbal signals in interpersonal perception

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The first impression is of high importance. The way a man looks like manifest his attitude towards the world and other people. Examples below show the difference between the positive and negative face. Special focus is put to the physical appearance.

Fig. 1 Physical appearance (positive face). Fig. 2 Physical appearance (negative face).

As seen above the man on the left hand side picture represents open posture. He smiles and his position invites the guest to come in and participate in a discussion. He sends a positive signals that indicate a friendly atmosphere in his company.

The opposite body language behavior is shown in the picture on the right hand side. The woman is standing straight, as in the army, which may indicate her tough character. By folding her arms on her chest she creates a barrier between her and other people. Also her negative face deters a potential participant to take part in her show.

Another example of nonverbal signals sent is shown in the pictures below. Here, the focus is set to the eyesight behavior.

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Fig.3 Eyesight behavior (avoiding eye contact).

In the pictures shown above a woman tries to avoid the eye contact with the speaker. She looks to her right, left, upwards and downwards just not to allow her eyesight meet eyes of the other party. This may suggest that the woman is nervous about the topic being discussed. This may also mean that she is lying and by avoiding the eyesight contact she tries to discourage her feeling of guilty. However, as mentioned in chapter 1 the eyesight behavior is often misleading. The woman is actually very spontaneous and very exaggerating. Therefore, she has problems with keeping her straight and steady position.

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The next example shows the behavior of legs during an interview. Such a situation is always stressful to all the parties therefore they attempt to make a barrier to protect themselves. One of these barriers is the legs crossing.

Fig.4 Legs crossing.

The woman in the picture sits bowed towards the other party. By this behavior she probably attempts to get in the control of the situation. She leads the show, therefore she needs to be confident and needs to impose her leadership. However, under the table, where the other party can not see her, she keeps her legs crossed as if she felt endangered. The barrier she made helps he gain self confidence. Nevertheless, it is a common position among women and especially these wearing skirts. Therefore the crossed legs may not be a barrier at all but simply the comfortable position.

Another example of nonverbal behavior in the interview is shown below. It concentrates on the gesticulation with hands and especially with palms and fingers.

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Fig.5 The pointing finger.

The speaker in the picture above is highly self-confident, which can be seen from his face and the body position and arms. He tries to take control over the interview and uses the irritating gesture of a pointing finger. He does not do it literally because he points with a pen he grabs in his palm, nevertheless the signal sent is of the same value.

He certainly tries to impose his point of view and in this aim he uses his open palm directed downwards as shown in the picture below. He sends a clear signal that he is the only dominant in the studio. This gesture is very annoying and if the host of this show wishes to regain the control of the situation he or she must react quickly and sharp to make a guest refrain himself from imposing his point of view.

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Fig.6 Palm directed downwards.

The above pictures are the examples of nonverbal behavior, however they show only the basic illustrations. All the same, they are efficient to compile with theory presented in chapter 1.

    1. Summary and conclusions

In the chapter above I have presented examples of nonverbal behavior. The pictures were taken from the three talk shows available on Polish television. The examples has been discussed and related to the theory in the previous chapter.

All of these confirm that a nonverbal communication is part of the everyday interpersonal contact.


The aim of the work was to present different aspects of nonverbal behavior. The theory presented in chapter one was sustained by the examples of nonverbal behavior shown in chapter two.

The examples, taken from the television interviews were chosen due to the fact that they are easy to be analyzed. First of all, they are wildly available and the form of it fits the purposes of this thesis. They are a conversation of two people, that has been filmed and broadcasted. The camera sets show the person speaking and hardly any background. The participants sit alone and one camera is foreseen for one speaker. This creates the perfect situation to observe a single person speaking not only orally but also with their body language.

The analysis proved that not a single person is able to hide the message he or she passes with their gestures, eyesight or facial mimics. Even unintentionally, our body sends a message that we do not speak. It is a fulfillment of each conversation and a supplement to our oral speech that highlights our attitude towards the subject.


Brown, P., Levinson S. C. 1987 “Politeness, some universals in language usage”. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;

Richmond, V. P. and McCroskey J. C. 2000 “Nonverbal Behaviour in Interpersonal Relations”. London: Ablongman;

Załazińska, A. 2006 ”Niewerbalna struktura dialogu”. Kraków:
Wydawnictwo Universitas;

Engleberg, I. 2006 Working in Groups: Communication Principles and Strategies. Geneva IL, USA: Houghton Mifflin Company;

Internet sources,1,kropka_nad_i.html

Celem pracy było przedstawienie różnego rodzaju zachowań niewerbalnych. Teoria przedstawiona w rozdziale pierwszym poparta była przykładami niewerbalnych zachowań ukazanych w rozdziale drugim.

Przykłady wzięte z telewizyjnych wywiadów zostały wybrane ze względu na łatwość ich analizy. Po pierwsze, są one ogólnie dostępne, a ich forma doskonale odpowiada potrzebom tej pracy. Są to konwersacje dwojga ludzi, które zostały sfilmowane i opublikowane. Kadry kamery obejmują jedynie mówiącą osobę i nie skupiają się na tym co w tle. Uczestnicy wywiadów siedzą pojedynczo i dla każdego rozmówcy przydzielona jest inna kamera. To stwarza dogodne warunki do obserwacji pojedynczej osoby, która wyraża myśli nie tylko oralnie, lecz również wysyła komunikaty mową ciała.

Analiza dowiodła, iż żadna osoba nie jest w stanie ukryć przesłania, które niesie w swoich gestach, spojrzeniu, czy mimice twarzy. Nawet nieświadomie, nasze ciało wysyła wiadomość, której nie mówimy. Jest ona dopełnieniem każdej konwersacji i uzupełnieniem mowy, który podkreśla nasz stosunek do tematu.


Oświadczam, że przedkładaną pracę dyplomową kończącą studia licencjackie napisałam samodzielnie. Oznacza to, że przy pisaniu pracy poza niezbędnymi konsultacjami nie korzystałam z pomocy innych osób,
a w szczególności nie zlecałem opracowania rozprawy lub jej części innym osobom.

Jednocześnie przyjmuję do wiadomości, że gdyby powyższe oświadczenie okazało się nieprawdziwe, decyzja o wydaniu mi dyplomu zostanie cofnięta.

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