Saddlemaker’s Wife
By National Bestselling Author
Earlene Fowler
Aftcr the dcath of her husband, Cole, Kuby McGavin arrivcs in Cardinal, California, where she bas inhcritcd part of a cattle ranch. Bul shc is shocked lo diseover that Colefe family, despitc what he told her, is slill very much alive.
Though intcnt on sclling out to the McGavins and slarting a new lifc, shc cannot help bul be drawn to them—parlicularly handsome saddlemaker Lucas McGavin. And the morę she learns about them, the morę she wonders if she ever really knew Cole...
“I A| sweetly told narrative.”
—The New York Times “l,'motionally powcrful.” —Puhlishers Weekly (slarrcd revicw) pcnguin.com
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