Iain Banks

A fcw spliils, a spot of mild S & M, phonc through thc copy for tomorrow’s front pagc, catch up with thc latcst from your mystcry sourcc could bc big, could bc vcry big in fact, just a rcgular day at thc officc for free-wheeling, substance-abusing Cameron Colley, a fully-paid-up Gonzo hack on an Edinburgh ncwspapcr.

'lite source is pretty thin, but Cameron senses a scoop and chccks out a scries of bizarrc deaths from a fcw ycars ago only to find tiiat thc policc arc chccking out a scrics of bizarrc deaths that arc happening right now. And Cameron just might know morę about it than he’d care to admit...

Involvement; connection; liability Compticity is a stunning exploration of the morality of greed, corruption and violence, venturing fearlcssly into the darker recesses of human purposc.

‘A rcmarkablc novcl... supcrbly craftcd, funny and intclligent’ Financial Times

‘A stylishly executed and well produced study in fear, loathing and victimisation which moves towards doom in measured steps’ Obserm

‘Compclling and sinister ... a vcry good thriller’ Glasgow Herald

‘Fast moving . .. dghtly plottcd’ Sunday Times




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