When his noble visitor aceuses Raeeworth of hiding priceless stolcn pcarls bclonging lo her family, no way is hc going to hand ovcr his grandmothcr’s nccklacc—-not cvcn to a lady hc finds beautiful and intriguing.
Rełentless as she is. Susannah, Duchess of BrookBdd, refuses to bc intimidated by the Marquis’s commanding prcscncc, chiseled good looks, or charming smile. and her immense attraction to him isn’t going to stop her ciłhcr.
But when the pcarls disappear, Race and Susannah will havc to work together in order to discovcr they can't livc apart...
Praise for Amelia Grey
“Swccps readers along at a livcly pace in a lusciously spicy romp that is the lirst in the author’s 1 2'I'hc Rogucs’ Dynasty’ series.”
—Librory Journal
“Great characters, a strong heroinę, humor, excitement, and great love sccncs—I couldn’t ask for anything morę!”
—The Romance Studio
“Reading Amelia Grey’s novcls is much like getting an unexpected gift—fun surprises from the moment you open the covcr until you tum the Finał page.
Treał yourself to a gift loday!"
—Affatre de Cocttr
ISBN13 974-1-4022-2769-1
(T) Sot accaooKS Casablanca2 \J A> Immjm ot YtKłł«». b2.ł T‘ Nuwmi. luiwA