Hi, Fm
Fm from.
(real first namc) (bird of prcy)
Go, Fightin’.
(Mid western or rectangular State) (woodland creaturcs)
place to grow up. Walking down Main Street at
(compassdirection) (biblćal Iccalc)
_! Yep, it was a great
(time of day)
, and dropping
m at.
_’s for some homemade.
, well, it
(thrcc-lctter małe namc) (diabctic dcssert)
makes my eyes water and my tummy grumble just thinking about it,
yessiree. From time to time I like to check in on oF Mrs..
(trcc specics)
bless her heart, and her prize-\vinning.
My high school s^-eetheart
(cołor) (plu rai vcgcrablc)
and I used to neck up on
(flowcr typc)
Point. Thought we’d get married but
(dangc rous an imał) (body of water)
the good Lord had other plans for her in the form of a
(American sedan)
’s Curve. After she passed, I took
losing control round_
(American president)
whittling to ease the pain, but, goiły, I surę don’t
(piece offumiturc)
meet many ladies in that linę of work, specially not ones as pretty as
you. Gosh, you’re prettier than a. glistening in the_shine.
. on a(n).
- day,
(celestial bcdv)