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020 dinosaur
020 dinosaur
Biggie Patternsi
FjWOMIE TłJEMES Scholastic Teaching Resources page 20
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020 dinosaur Biggie Patternsi FjWOMIE TłJEMES Scholastic Teaching Resources page 20
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044 boat Biocie: Patterns: Favorite T^emes Scholastic Teaching Resources pąge 44
046?r BlGGłE PaTTERNS: FaVCXV7E Themes Scholastic Teaching Resources page 46
044 boat Biocie: Patterns: Favorite T^emes Scholastic Teaching Resources pąge 44
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038 6 Biggie Pattehss: Seasojvs A Houdays Scholaatlc Teaehłng Resources page 38
014 moon Bigg/e Pattcrns; Fatortie TjHEMES ScholastŁc Teachlng Resources page 14
014 moon Bigg/e Pattcrns; Fatortie TjHEMES ScholastŁc Teachlng Resources page 14
009?ar?ll BygCtZE Patterns: Fatortte Themes Schołastlc Te ach i ng Resources page 9
Stitch Patterns 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 mm 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 —
004 Introduction faitroduetion As eveiy busy teacher knows, reproducible patterns can be an invaluab
83067 Paradiddle Power5 I The patterns on this and the following page use triple paradiddles combin
Paradiddle Power3 I I R I iiiii In patterns 21 through 30 on this page, the right hand will cross o
Paradiddle Power5 I The patterns on this and the following page use triple paradiddles combined wit
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