

Netscape - [Yahoo! - Recreation:Outdoors:Hiking]

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[^| Location: | http: //www.yahoo. com/R ecreation/O utdoors/H iking/


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♦    Backpacker, The W - Excellent resource on hiking and backpacking.

♦    Hiking and Walkrng W

♦    Arizona Trails Monthly - Designed for hikers and backpackers seeking information on Arizona1 s diverse hiking environment. Trail descriptions and much morę.

♦    BackPackChat! - chat room dedicated to the discussion of backpacking, hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities.

♦    East Sooke Regional Park - with information on its many hiking trails.

♦    Ecotrek - Outdoor eąuipment & apparel company Integrating environmentally responsible materials with cutting-edge performance

♦    Escaping to Naturę: Cyberspace Guide to Hiking

♦    Grey Mousers Hikes - Hawaii's visual hiking page.

♦    Hikes around Vienna/Austria/Europe - Hikes with trail descriptions, mostly around Vienna

♦    Kjetils Mountain Picture Gallery - Pictures from my own hikes in the mountains. I"ve dedicated this page to the mountains in the Nordic countries

♦    Koby's Outdoor Adyentures Information - source for beginner hiking adyentures.

♦    Lightweight Backpacking - devoted to educating people ab out maintaining a bare-bones approach to hiking through the knowledge of the lightest weight eąuipment.

♦    New Hampshire Hiking - dedicated to the mountains, and forests in New Hampshire, and to the people that hike there.

Newfoundland Backcountry - in the Lewis Hills and Long Rangę Mountains of western Newfoundland, Canada.    —1

♦    Oahu Hiking Tales - Personal accounts of yarious hikes on Oahu (Hawaii). Links to other hiking resources, to o.

♦    Off the Beaten Track - share hiking experiences with others on the web and discuss yarious plac es to hike in Southern Califomia.

♦    Outdoor Northwest - Info on Hiking and Flv Fishing in the Northwest._

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