T ing of men, to their fitness for the particular serrieo fei wMoh $ they are aaaigno-d. Pronidtd, that the nnmber of cotamiasioned 9 officers of all gr&dee assigned, fit for daty ia other branchea of
10 serrice, shall not escood twenty, and that the appointments of
11 officers from among persona now engaged In this serrioe, and
12 from thoso not liablo to, or who aro unfit for activo field daty,
13 shall not cxcccd a corrcsponding nnmber; aD<| that thenumber
14 of non-commisaioned officers and men assigned from other ser*
15 Tice, or from thosc liablo to field duty, shall not ezceed two
16 hundred. This provision, howeyer, shall not be construed to
17 pretent the tcmporary dctail of men to this sertice, when deem-
18 ed neccssary by commandcrs of dcpartmcnts; nor to provent the
19 increase of the corps of noncommissioned officers and mon by
20 the recroiting and cmploymcnt of thoso not liablo or equal to
21 field daty, or of person* outside of the limits of the Confodor*
22 ato States.
1 Sec. 7. The chiof of burcau shall be, and 19 hereby authorized
2 to make soch contracts for the purchase of, or right to nse, any
3 patented inveution applieable to and valuable in this branch of
4 8ervice, or to the ‘Confederatc States: Provided, That such eon-
5 tract or purchase shall be subjcct to tho approval of the Presi-fi dent or board of cxamining officers, and that in the case of such
7 iuyentions as are intended to receivo the benefits of tke Act of
8 Congress, approvcd April 21st, 1862, giying onc-half of the
9 armed vcsscls of the enemy wiiich may bc destroyed by any
10 new invention or contrivauec, or the licnofit of any Act which
11 may hcrcafter bepa.s?.cd, giving compormtion for tho destruction
12 of property of tho enemy in timilar cases, the cost of the eon*
13 struction and application of juch inveution or contrivance in-
14 currełł by tlm govei-mnent, shall bo dcductcd from the amount