O języku kleryków 81
poziom, stawiać im wymagania, budzić ich wrażliwość, a nieustanna katecheza ma być wyjaśnianiem i wtajemniczaniem w prawdy wiary za pośrednictwem stopniowo przyswajanych terminów i pojęć religijnych. Krzewienie wiary to między innymi krzewienie wiedzy religijnej i jak każde poznanie wymaga ono trudu i zmagania się z językiem i jego ograniczeniami. Z tych względów trudno przecenić rolę edukacji językowej kleryków.
The content of this article is composed by several consideration dedicated to the language used by the clerics (students in the priesthood training). In the first point we will consider language education in the major seminaries; in the second - theological language (specialised); in the third - language of „translation”; in the fourth - language of environment. It is the matter of fact that clerics, despite the introduction to the seminaries language education, they do not understand language, spoken by the lecturers and they have immense difficulties with „translations” of specialized language into language which could be understood by all belie-vers; whereas environmental language, used by them, does not differ from students jargon. Thus a question rises regarding the sense of existence of those seminaries which do not prepare futurę priests for the service which expects them in the Church and in the world.