

We, the people of tła; United States, in order to form a morc pcrfcct Unioo. establish justicc. insure docnestic traaquiiiły. providc for thc common dcfcnsc. promote the generał welfare. and secure thc blcssing of Liberty to ourschcs and our posterity do ordain ar.d establish this Cccstitutioa fot the United States of America.

Wc. tbc pcoplc of the United States, in order to form a morę pertecł Union, cstablish justicc. insure ćotnestie trtnąuility. prewide for tbc common dcfcnsc. promote thc generał welfare. and securc tbc blessing of liberty to oursehres and our posterity <Lo ordain and establish this Coostitution for tbc United States of America.

We. the pcoplc of thc United States, in order to form a morę perfect Unioo. establish justicc. insure domestie trnnquilily. pnwidc for thc common dcfcnsc. promote thc generał welfare. and sccure the ble&ung of liberty to oursekes and our posterity do ordain and estahłish tliis Coostitution for thc United States uf America.


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08unx08 We. thc peoplc ot thc United States, in order to form a morc pcrfcct Union, esublish justicc
08unx20 Preamble We. the pcoplc of tbc United States. in order to form a morę perfect Union, establi
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08unx13 We. the people of the United States, in order to form a morę perfect Union, establish justic
08unx24 Prcamblc We. thc pcoplc of thc United States, in order to form a morę pcrfect Uaioo. citabli
08unx16 Preamble We, the people of the United States, in order to form a morę perfect Union. establi
08unx05 Wc. thc pcoplc otf tbe United States, in order to form a morę perfect Union, establish justk
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