Ftxcd support wiih verticul displuccment (sliding support. 'skule') The (innie of (his typc comcs from ihc focl thal the chaina prcvcnt» rotntion and horizonlnl displuccmcnl.
Eq*iUhriuni cqu«l!on
i. yjiibrium cqu«tion- Ihc basie cquntion for the cąuilibrium of the body The total forcc and acting on the body aro cqual to 0. The thrce-dimcnsional spece has six scalur cquations |tsCł three componcnts of the resultant forcc nnd thrcc componcnts of the rcsultant tomwe 1° plmtc, ćquations are rcduccd to three (iwo componcnts of forcc and one trom the moment).
I) ihrce-dimensional structurc
2) piane system
Calculation of reactions
For statically determinate system rcaction is calculated using the cquilibrium Conditions and design conditions. For a fiat system, there are three conditions of cquilibrium. giving risc to three cquations:
• Projection of forces on the Y axis
• Projection of forces on the X axis
• The sum of all moments occurring in the system
The aniculnted design should also remember that the sum of the moments on the leli and right sidc equa! to 0.