»/-S T
tx 1 Ł/lo Clio ro/roci lenie :
J. J.l-W \fix1 IhlJletlcr by courier as loon as I................. . .(wrlto) H.
?. You'tl nevcr (cnow tho rendt umil you .............(iry)
i il rhc mpn.n( hjiin'1 NTnun(fllf,l WP l»PPOint) Ihe CIO
•ł a ii ot(i«!i... .....(bo) choaper, *’d stan my business In lho centrę of london
;• Biinlu won’t rond you moncy unloss thoy ( bo ) suro you can pay It bnck.
6 If yńu............... . (try) harder you could havc won the moich.
Z. T/ioir prosentotron wninM vcry gOOd. Thoy .........................Jłhould, p(CP»r*ł''
moro careful/y.
8. il il.......................(not. bo) such hord werk. I‘d opon a resiaurani.
9. / don'l know what l..........................(do) If l won łhc lotlory
10 Tticy cancelled lho contr.ict and it was a mistakc Thoy............................................(not. •.hould.
do) It.
Cx.2. Complcte the folfowing sontonees :
1. K I had known che was rn troublc,...................................................................................................
?. Production would have bccomo less efficicnt ...............................................................................
3. We would have slgned the contract if............................................................................................
fx. 3. Tran siato Into fnglish :
2. /robić dobre wrażenie -
2. złapać chorobę -
3. polne wyzdrowienie -
4. plan zebrania -
5. prognoza pogody ■
Ex.A. Translate into Polish :
1. «i tough choicc -
2. suffer from leprosy -
3. take responsibility -
4. work-station -
5. with refercnce to your letter -
Ex.5. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets:
1. It was.............................................of you to give up your studies. (responsible)
2. Despite great progress in medicine, many diseases are still.................................fcure^
3. Charities help..........................................people. (advantage)
4. lt's important to be...............................to other people's suffering if you want to work for a
charity. (sense)