I ^ IŁe-|>rat stept ’ ihrough -I for the sccond Irin je and cootimic around ihe piece in ihis mannor. V*ry ihc bcadt and thc frinf.c lengthc Make lhc fnngc dangles longer al ihc bullom aml thortcr on ihc sidcs and lup. You can usc moro tłum ono latger bead per «l.inglo. He inventivc.
|(')VVhcn ihc fringc « complcte around the entire piece, bring iho nccdle down through tbc leather. uc ofl ibc thread. and cut rhc cnd.
For the baek:
[ Mark il>c placcmcnt lor thc pin back on ihe imidc of llw łccond piece ol leaiher aboul X" down from ibc top of the piece.
2 Make smali cut} where thc cml} ofthe pin hacking piąte should be, as ihown in Figurę 8-10.
S Slip ihc ends of tlte pin throuj:: the atts in tho leather from the inside out.
^llie tablic glue to altach the pin-hacked kalher piece to thc bac» > : tiie brooch.
Wtoanjg Mws om* >**tj
oi (Mytt w ow ,w oiłw ■wJeWaśęiDnwti