ttroight fwigt (avoibb)e ot Rorol tuppfiert): iow o* prumng jheorj; rofiio: tproyj of wheat and bornej; hot gkio gun and glue thckt; nutj; dried oavci
To ctooio bat*. ort 10 to 15 tv»igj, eoch 20 inchot long, lor jide piecej Cut rhe tam* nymber ol twigj. eoch 18 Iochot long, for top ond bottom piecet Owido groopt m holi ond moke two bundfet ol equol diometer from bolh lengthi. On work iudace. połition 2 20mch bondlot paroM »o eoch other, oboot IA inchej opon Potifcon thorter lengfht crottwit* ocrott top ond bottom, oboot 16 inchej opon. Twigj thcold extend post cornert where bundlet crots oboot 2 inchej, U je roff.a «© lajh bondWt together ot cornert. Tie endt of roflio into o nght kno* to tecure Arronge wheat and berry tprayt to rodiofe from cornert. ghre In pk>C* Orerlop ond fili in jpocoi wlth thorter ond longer jprcyt, tocking endt between twigt ond tecuring wilh gluo Arronge leovet ond nutt in cornert; glue in ploce Fili tpacet with tmoBer or thorter eiemenrt. Allow tome twigj and roffo liet lo jhow.