Each week therc arc changes affecling Lhe volumcs of ALLs. The most important of these changes are reflcctcd in lhe chart correclions hut not necessarily in lhe same weekly cdilion.
I( is imporlant to havc lhe complete dciails of a light or fog signa! which may not be shown on the chart if that chart is not the largcsl scalę of thc area.
This informalion is printcd on one side of thc page so that you can cut it out and slick it in lhe affecled volumc.
Eciually important is lhe informalion contained in thcsc volumes. The weekly list of alterations will supply lip lo datę informalion and you musi correcl your volumes of ALRS accordingly.
At thc end of each Weekly NM a Hydrographic Notę (I-I 102) and a I-Iydrographic Notę for Porl Informalion (H102a) is for your usc if you ilnd any information of iuwigational imponance which is not alrcady on your chart and which you wish lo tell us about.