Name:_ Score:_/ 50 points
James = Susan —
•John = Maggie (Me!) -L Elizabeth
□ □
>u start schoo
1 Look at the famiiy tree and complete the senlences with the names of famiiy members and people's names. (5 poinls)
William Morris = Rosę Morris
BU1 —L Cath Tom (Me!) —^ El
2 you always eat breakfast? [II
3 _you from England? • Cl
4 What _your grandmotheris
5 Whattime. a Yes, I am. c 8o'clock.
e No, I don't. f 14.
5 Complete the questions and sh
2 Complete the table below with the co
(5 points)
| City Country fiNationality j
(3 points)
on't like working in the moming.
•urday night.
_Joiut and Steven brothers?
2 His birthday is
3 They sometime the weekend.
4 Valentine’s Day is_
5 Isometiinesplay football _ aftemoon.
6 He sometimes studies_
_ Septemt
i Circle the correct answers: a, b or a (2 points)
This is a photo of 0_class at the
language school in London. This is Ivan.
'_from Russia.2_famiiy live
in Moscow. Lola and Antonio are Spanish.
3_live in Madrid.4_father is
a musician. Sylvie is Freneh. Her boyfriend, Marco, is Italian.
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