1. Be aware that ICD attempts are always possible, will appear authentic, and if successful can prave far morę disastrous to friendly operations thanjamming.
2. Knowthat ICD, when successful, can change (initiate, delay, terminate oralter) missions, channelizeforces, confuse tire requests, priorities, allocations, establish false objectives, lure into ambushes, close Communications nets, designate false nuclearradiation areas and otherwise cause a variety oftroubles if a unit and/or operator is susceptible.
3. Know and stress tbat following correct authentication practices will prevent a unit operator's being victimized by ICD.
4. Rem ember tbat undetected CDtakes up valuable Circuit timewith the same effectasjamming, regardless of otber actions it may cause.
5. Report all ICD to tbe commanderas soon as possible (ASAP).
6. Always be on guardforlCD attempts and always BE SUSPICIOUS.
1. Bite radio/ radar station and antenna to evade enemy jam ming / intercept.
2. Learnto recognize enemy jamming /deception and report details to officer in charge (OIC).
3. Know and use the methods to minimize the effects of jamming, detune, adjust BFO, BW, gain limiter, antenna trim, adjust antenna di rection, height, change location, change frequency, etc.
4. Operate with minimum power until jammed.then increase power.
5. Shift to altemate frequencies and cali signs where applicable and as di rected.
6. Require authentication on all radio transmissions.
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QTA 11-1-8 Headquarters, Department of the £rmy
Dated May 1987