Netscape - [<B>Manual Installation Instructions for the 1995 Grolier EncycIopedia</B> ]
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Netsite: [h«p : //www. grolier. com/G E P/cusf_desk/inst703. hlm
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Ple as e notę: The version number of your Grolier CD-ROM can be found right on the face of the compact disk itself Verify that you have version 7.03 of the CD-ROM before proceeding with these instructions.
Before attempting to manually install the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia (GME95), you might want to first make a backup copy of your system.ini file. Backing up the system.ini file is not reąuired, but is always a good idea.
Ali work done for the manuał installation will be done from a DOS prompt. The first step you must perform is to edit the system.ini file. Starting from the root directory, (C:\),you can access your system.ini file by going to your Windows directory. Type cd\Windows(hit enter). This will bring you to the Windows subdirectory. Next type edit system.ini(hit enter). In the system.ini file, there are three seperate headings you will need to look under. The first heading you should look under is [mci], you should see a linę that says AVIVideo=mciavi.drv. If this linę already exists, leave it alone, if this linę is not present, add this linę. The second heading you should look at is [msacm], under this heading ther should be a linę that reads Install = msadpcm.acm If this linę exists, leave it alone, if it does not exist, add this linę under that heading. The third heading you should look at is called [diivers].
Under [diivers] you should have the foliowing 4 lines:
Wavemapper = msacm.drv
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