Yam Ui«d 3 padł ftewan KkJ Si* Hazo Jody Btockod M*asu-«mor*t 77 n ■ 36 m
(1S6cm* 9lcm)
Nocd os usod 4 5 mm cccular. 5 Omm Oher supptoi length of *a«o yam (aboul 8 r>choi looqX btockng prą_
Km ii a trangular jha»l, Uh t*m tnc*f. gartor tóich tcrdrr and scaftopcd odgryj Kral n Ro*an K«j $tt haz*. < Km a gouamtr ofloct «h<h U- «i lit warmti Th* paettm ut*» 3 fcj*» Of KSH. at 7$ sram. <» th* porfoct łKł*l lo «*ar th-ooghout tho >-oa-
Tho F«m mo»f ii a cliii* SFoBand moM that •orki «•« oithor on *s o*n or a* a panol •.ir.n a targor dosgn I ha.o adaptod tho orgma' dosgn Uied bv Sharen M4o< m h«» &rch iha*l for Rooan. lo mąko tho patiom canoe for non taco kraDofi I mod tcchr»guoi that I hav* loamod (tom Irattro ih* F**r Tiondi dosgns trr E.*ł>n Clark Th» paotm contans cham and oriMon nstuctoni My«ur»putofltrr8rch.»N<h rogurct castma on a lol of idlcFoi and docroaurg VD łh» por*. T*n try tfv» v*r*on
Wortod from tho noc* donn. it uim a common rcroasng tochogoc to croato Iho por* tor a InargAar jhaad
Vc*j can *oek urdł you gol lho '*nfhtt.Oh tot I d«d. or un>l yo<J gol bored »iłh »>* codom As tho ihaad n «:rtcd (rem lho nock do»n. lho tonioo ii ntf as rrportjm ai gett ng lho (afcnc thal you l*n You can oavly knt iho on hoaror or ftn*r yamt H you aro uwg K«J *A hai*. and F-nd yourtod njrmng thofl. boy mer* yam Kid $ik Kai* a a n^hrrroro to np
Tho sha«l ato-ro »ai mado »«i 3 taił ot Ro*an K>d S«lk Kai* on 4 form noodtoi Ali m*a*VOm«-*t and d*la*i piordod lor do panom ar* basod on thn yam
Ths proytet took mo aęproi 24 hours to comptoto
Spooal 9iar*». 10 Caiol W*m«4. tor holpng m* » frvd a nam* (or hi dosgn arad Ortt-o ot lamy i Dobbw and Margo (or o-rata on odgng