
Ycu can use ary neede iobeat) idth jhat w ll go froogi ycur beat) However, a f*eavier neecve >s r«co when ycu aro Minging largsr beate wen i*ęee hetas. and U ycu a-o go«g to do bead wearfng ot use smalter 69302. you wil feSriteły wart to buy beatfng needtt.

Beading; 1 hinner and longer (ban rcguUr sewing necdles, rangmg trom sixc 10 tu ii/e 22, with 22 being the thinnest. The *ixc number* looscly rrfer >0 the we of brads tlut they will past through. Thcy also lumc in diłfcrent lengths. Becaute bead needlcs are 10 thin, they bend caiily. Kcep .1 nutnber on hand.

Sharp* Shoit. shurp pointed iwcdlet uscd for bcad embroidery that are aho useful lor doing cnbocbon beading on leathet.

TapeMry: Blunt pointfd needlcs n.ted tor conntcd embroidery tiul arc alto uwful for tuinging bigger txrad>.

Wre holding: Finr. Iwistcd wire needlcs with a loop where tlić eye should be that are uved for thicker threads like silk knottingeord.

Thrcads and Stringing Materials

Oferent Ihreads haw dilerem strengths and that s an ^npertant facto in choosing •,‘ie tond Ol ttread you uso for beading, Yoj want the sffongest lliread you cm use to get tte ettect you oesre.

1 tr-


I hread conditioncr. A beeswat product used on thread to kcey t trom ungliitg.

Ilraidcd filiuncnt: Madę    ™

up of muhiple ftfaments

braided togrlhcr into an    ^

ecceptionally strong thread. coriMM in sewal diameters. ha» almost no stretch, rcMtts abrasion. and is difficult to cut with regular tcissors (use blade teissors iiutcad;.

Il isalto 100 peuent water-resittant and will not rot in wjttr like Ołhcr threadt. It dnrt not eonie in a lot of colors. but can be colored with pennanent inarking pens.

Kcvlar Inciedibly Strong tluead that ii uwd in making bulletproof vesis- ll ir. naluially yellow and can bc d>ed darker with regular lahric dyc*.

Memory wirc: A rigid. pre-eoiled steel wire ihat remembers it» cntled dupo. lt comes in nccklacc, braeelet. and ring


Nymot Probabły the most cotnnion thread uved fot beadmg. lt it madę of non-twuted bonded nylon lilamcnts. resists mildew. and doesn t rot. lt comes in a varicly

of thicknesscs and colon and conics in tiret designated by leitert Oa O, B. and D. with CK being the lhinnesl and D the ihickesl. It doct stretch a linie. n> it it wite to give your piece o i thread a gentk- puli 10 rcmosv part of the Mretc Moro Marting to l*ead with iL

Silamide: A twiited nylon tailoring thread with a wasy Ictl tlut is widely uwd for bend weaving. lt comes in a t-aricty of coJora. In thickness. it is siiniUr to NymoO.

Stringing wire; Usually tmde up of a number of ttrands of estrcmcly linę wite that are twisted 10 get ber and then coated with a platric film to presenl tatnishing. Tbese wire* worl: wefl for stringing bigger bcads and one* that lute skarp edges that inight cut nyton or silk thteada.


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