amour courtois — eo**tLp to**, * tof~u ~»*JjuuaI *«
toi/t to tlt tjJLy tZ* Cu*t', tstoohfiti /jt (a R.<vU
anaphora — <K
i-h&vL óf 4U&r i - Ąo*r ^kom^Aju
omniscientintrusive narrator— ct P
Ą&U<\ , 4łuou^hts
kwdts AWotr c^CQ- *«$P&vu!a
oxymoron - 4v-0 uiO-rck^
^\JL fc> ta^Afiy
_ d^O/ta-dcr ^
aV(Of>\V$ P/^SSM. -40 o/
free verse -
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