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Internet Database Connector Examples I nternet D atabase_^ C onnector E xamples Below are links to seueral examples that use the Internet Database Connector. ftlthough the Internet Database Connector can use any 32 bit ODBC driuer that supports System DSNs, these samples use Microsoft SQL Seruer. For the samples to run without modification, the SQL Seruer's sa account must be accessible from your Computer and the sa account must haue no password requirement. (This is the default installation for Microsoft SQL Seruer.) If you cannot or do not want to use the sa account for these samples, you can edit the Username field (and add a Password field if necessary) in the .idc files used in the samples to a ualid user account. To set up these samples, create an ODBC system data source on the Internet Seruer named Web SQL that refers to the SQL Seruer you want to use. Use the ODBC applet in the control panel to create the system DSN, or click here to create it using one of the ODBC datasource tools prouided with the Mic ^