WO. 'bż <& Uorwl Sla>* b cnlw w fncm o mcrc perfea l.ako.. e*Ufcłxi jpsUCC, Irtaicfc $xn£Jli£ irmąnlUy, pr*v<kfc ^ ih* Ctfrtv*C»' rbc* xtokt3 Preifn*. md *ai» dr hirakg '1 Ufcjiy b>
□crah.y* sdJ cwrpouEnTy da nrtntn cmd ŁctUtKb CU* t^rnsfloKlc*. fc* 2*3 UilUed Saft>ci Atnmca.
W*. 'i*; uf Ił* Uoheti Sio** b <*drr co fixm a u*?* [>^rfr*i ralai* ę<Utf ł** jitfiiCfc. ia&ir* ^mwtk
omtth^ x>J oarpoanry do <mlniD and estmiKb chJ$ npmpDKkcc Ijfr' :!*: UililCd Sa1x> k4 Amnico.
We, che pw>fc cf Ihc ljnlrcd StMU* ll Wd* 10 Ittlfl ó tttoj pedect Lnica, esUMkii p^jce. iaiic* rtmcstlc IWHJnIUy. [UOyICC l<tf Ux> UMiimuft iktfau*-. promcte. tha sami lndfire. cnd gccJjrc ta Ptó&fcfc c.’ Lboty to nunetoe md lnu pu&lsuy do cmiani and oFUHblt thbOwrtioirro fcr ta Uolttd SlAl£V Cf AintricŁ