070101 Neonatal deaths per 1000 live births
lungary tgovin3 verage omania Estonia epublic Bułgaria Croatia AJbania 'ortugal Malta Gr««c« lsra«l Italy JROPE lov«nia Spam eriands lr*land emnjrk verage ingdom •nbourg Austria telgium k«land Nora a y iverag« zerland ermany Fmland Franco >«oed«n
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Picmcntcl/Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problcms of Sustainable Dcvclopmcnt 2/2012,15-22 Table 3. Inputs per 1Practising nursos por 1 000 population, 2008 and 2018 (or noarost yoar) 02003 • 2018 Per 1000 populaComparison of no. of infections per 1000 inhabitants in 4 countries nearthe same latitude and usingNo. of cases per 1000 inhabitants (Daily data El Pais 13.4.20) ITALY 2.59 SANFor a reliable study, the figures for infections per 1000 inhabitants for Turin, Milan, Bologna, RomFor a reliable study, the figures for infections per 1000 inhabitantsforTurin, Milan, Bologna, Romę,Correlation of no. of infections per 1000 inhabitants with 5G KoŁpit_ de UoDregai de Uamanet 1,3 SANPRZYROST NATURALNY NA 1000 LUDNOŚCI W 2010 R. NATURAL INCREASE PER 1000 POPULATION IN 2010 0,0 05 1,DSC09923 Who gets hydrocephalus? Hydrocephalusoccurs in one of 1,000 live births. Hydrocephalus canDSCK0007 (5) Fertiiity Rat* (per 1000 married wom*n)£8 £ 8 £ § £ 8 450 (uC) aSy iwuajew SH rr-OrWe live in smali city called Golub-Dobrzyń in Poland. Golub-Dobrzyń is a town in central Poland, locOpieka zdrowotna Liczba łóżek szpitalnych w 2008 r., Wydatki na zdrowie per capita, w bieżących $ naCensus datę Poland-bom per-sons (no.) l:t genera-tion a la genera-tion: +/- change sińce previ-ous9 9 * 1000 m~3/(M,rok) j Zasoby wodne w Polsce na tle wybranych regionów Świata Watcr resouices in Pwięcej podobnych podstron