

fi apprOTftl of the President, to make use of aoy fund hcrcafter

7    appropriatea, and, if ncccssary, to drawupon the «ecret service

8    fund alrcaciy appropriated, to defray the espenses of such ser*

9    vico; and hc ie ako authori/.ed to organize such a system for the

10    application of the ncw incam> of warfaro approvcd, and of secrct

11    seryice agcncics, a* may tcnd hcst to sccure the ohjects of the

12    establishment of the hurtuu bcicin prOvidcd for.

1    Sec. 5. Tlierc shall la- organized, under. and io connection

2    with this burcau, a jwtyttchnie corps. loconsist of one chief of

3    corps, willi the necessary numhev of commandcru, captains, first

4    lieutenante and second lieutenams, to be appointed by the Prc-

5    sident, by and with the advice and consent of the Sonato, or to C be assirned by hitu, and such mimher and grades of uomcom*

7    missioned oflicerd and men as may be ncccssary for tho perfec*

8    tiou and application of such planu and enterprises as may be op-

0    proved, whoso rationsaiul pay shal! hc the «ame as in the cor*

10    responding grades of tlie cuginocr corps; and who shsll be

11    onder tho contro! and act umler the orderu of tbe chief of bu-

12    roau, who sball rcceivc his order« from and bc undor tho contro!

13    and direction of tho Prcsiucnt.

1    Sue. fi. The officcrs and men of this corps shall be assignod

2    and detailod from oJher-biandics of seryice, upon the requisi*

3    tion of the chief of burcau, irhcu this may be donc withont seri*

4    ous detriinent to the scrvicc to whioli they bolong, or reeruited

5    in like manner as for other bronehes of tho military or naval ser-

6    yico, referenee hcing hnd in the ossignment, detail or reeruit-


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