


Bator* cullimj ma ramio*. you r%aad to know I ha folloyńog:

/    rrur.y u»*'ft w I th* WAM cc or# t»m*?

/    trgo4 ATiAfwŃ *41 Sb* WAN COVAT ?

/ wn ai er. ^ ** v* ctf*r WAN ftftw tY>

S WTlftl A'A ;rw rai*firci'M rumb*ft cf tri* cchsr s«*ft?

/ Co you AJfAACy h*Vt «n AftUŁlafiad **r*lcy ter netwock ha-daare? Who 15 r?

S WTial fcmd cf cała *11 be transmtted bec^wn WAN ar Aft?    «i tte c^atija n ,a a& ro oon»?

/ CO» VA WAN rwńd 10 fc* rfAgrfttftd *łh łbA tełaphone serw*? Wll it n the ftftre?

WTial <i*xJ cf tcoge: s rraiabłe?

^ I S&n 5001 <to '/oj 'Hsrt to ha** the WAN c*Mf*nood?

WYI rrcrA WAM Mteft bA tttoftd In ?r* Mu*? U fto •Afwe are they c«*e<P

/ WT>o *11 be n charge c* WAN d eoci 50??

Woen tftlking to proapoctoa yaiułor*. make aura Ihal you gal

nnww to theoe guc^lnono:_

/ WTlftl M‘Z V* AAUO COfft jO' lh* WAM?

S WTlftl *'A v* Aftir-rttAd 'wdaA* a»ta fu tfA WAN?

S hto#ifttr*myr/iycctf oo'ryxi*c ftrvd«*Wiftit ostrrałod » bo?

/ WU :be yo^iu acppł/ ha-daarc gua*aroood to woric tcęeltłe*? II rKf.    eto jjjt lf»t> hjftf«rt>?

/ WTiBl *nd ci tttnsm*8»on rtton are 0uaraM*K) fu O-o WAN typ*?

/ WTiał iii^d cf toa*r>^aJ ftLęęcct Krtrariccmca wth OłJ uccua?


/ I-to* aoon 'AoJd :*» WAN be cpcraoo^ ?

✓ te r>cro any tmc ODrrrrr.Twf fc< pcrchas4>d tNa WANwrrc*?

y How 'MI uWT5 *x*tP3 r* WAN?


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