di*tricl, w bo woiild. ol' cour*-. Ir-i«c tbrm » itb a »iu’t ilivcre;ion as to liusc, place and inanner uf nclion, ao<l wboeouM gir© them the aH required.
-. Tl*c*e Umdt thould b© mulltplied and lorpt aloag <»ir 3,0O>tnih:> ot coast, and m n*ir l*»rh*»rv, v>rt ®t an>J riv. r«, «»tiul tlicru will bo no place to lloat the enemy’’* ve**©l», »vi«ho'H ingsiuiotts, enu-rpristng and hrate mci to d<<tru), or pi-rchan©.* capUir* them.— li i< obuotts tlicn, that il‘ tlicy lic atuche-l to regnlar army nrginirationi. tlicjr will l>e -ubject to llH! inoremenl* of tlić same—nu multur hnw f*r, or great ioconrcnienec, d«l«) ;«bu»e. ulid siomilitary and illcgal procedurę will prohalily cnwie.
X Alt cnginccr company hss iw compli-nirt.t uf oSitp, and it thrc©, fiie, or ten •lestnie tioni*t» be detachro, there i* no coinmissioncd officer to cotilinaml—aa 1« indi«-ptn**M*—ut»lc*ł the company be destiuilrd 10 tnat ©\tcol. Moreorer, thougli tlie cca«;i-neer eflieera bo tjnite ablc in their proper dutir*. tłtey may be iilterly tmfit for tbts serric©. Again, lho*c who wiSb tlirir c«ilrira(tfr«, xr© apprn»cd bs the AW of their depatt-inejil of xrłir«--or by the Cielic rai of a distriet—aftei duc inredtftfiu*, wouid h© most proper for prepa ring and controlling the cxecutk*n r.f ibrir |irvjccl>, and ©omuMfsdmg itie tutillitiir'. Thereforc, Ihł* oo-ht |n t>© conifni»K*ied, t. The duties of the ©aęioeer coep* ani Ihetr c*!tieer» ar>r t»x©*J l*j law. and do not in-rlude the oocs in ipjcslion.
5. Th U pi.ru u t i* aruphihirn. nulliforM and dji*.*: rou-. and not **f the naturę of uip -iwef dotlę* a» tleliited by law, and il rurpiir©* pccoliar organization and rulet. And men will only fnllnw it fru-n ©n-»iee—in thmr owo sray—*and for prosperit of great gain.— Sucli *e’rvire r«i|iiirc men ot pemiliar clmraeter nml fitness, luli the* could not br lodured to eiijcj.ce iliBnt*olvcł t.ir it. it pul iu an eiigiuecr or regułar mitilarr orjiani/ation for the
ar, and madc liablc to orilin try engineor......lilltary ihiti—*. Tiiis it e*p©.cial|j the edv
i* iu*'.ir<l iu many of them who arv entitled i. *ixem|ition. or aro over mitilnry age, and wlic* nre jutt -o much ad-litito to our military strength. To illiittralc • one t*f tliotn band* i« compuscd of fo.ir men »t p«**eiit, oni’ wmild hr cxom;i:ed al bis deiirf, one fruin physiral inal‘il*ty. one i-fdly. and the !i*t si\iy ye.art of »ge. The t»o łatt weto formcrly Alt»riici t»ćnrr>1 and S.'rrelary of Sutr.fll li Aio>lh*-r seenjiug diir,colty, showin; the want <*f tprciłl cnaclmi ni, is , xliitilc*l ni the tollowiaj: cimi:
A Mr. Mrl>aiiiel. «*f Kctifacky. inłrolcd !*it iigrni«i> roalrira*re>. <>rgaui/rd hit ImipIs, and wa« opcr.itin: with a *iew to the renard of fifty per cent., odered by acr of C»li<rext. for dcslMyiiit a war scsscl by a new coiitriiance; when his ageut ohtaiBtd a eommit^ion for tom. f«r the >oic purpc** cf giiing l.im the rseedcd protmion in c*«c of eapturo. Mc tlr*tr»y**l the Cairo tti the Ya/.oo, and noi* the Go»ernm«ot ttemi to wjthholil tho rom|teniatii>n »m the terion* doulil wlmthcr, Iwingnn otTieer nf the Go«crn-nient, and (indor pas. hc W entitlcd thcrclo. The »3ine reaton appliejrto orlierr* ond pri-vjle», partictil:irly 'if they m civc pay and rutionc. In the presedlorganization, bon • oscr.lt I* fair lo»uy, that thi*, and other rewanlt, nrc eepressly stipulated for by the partie*.
Olher e->nsidor.itiini' raigkt be giseu, but tbmo “Itliec to thow tliat the proent orgaui-/ation is ouitc doleclise. and that a ncw and pecltllar one ahould be mado.
As fiirtber thowing the wantof a goicrul miru nnd law, the Sccretarł of llio Nasy Itnd* htm»elf otdlgod t« aalliorir.c partie* scith thoao «rl|-f(ne purposet, by glriag thć leadc-r the witnnl of *n •• actiag ma*tcr, withceit pty trhichthr Confederat© Courl *ł’ Mobile, ha« rlrtually dccided U> be bo t-snoutsien a*, all—tncse p*rłic\ t*eing tliewfor*" sa*itl.ont legii wjrr.nd ’*r |nvaeeli.*u.
In courlosioo, I lx-g lease to Matu eoocis^ly Ikt petiUi Marł ougfd (?be certrtJ in the legi*-latiuB of C«ngrv't on tbis subjeel.
I. Shoiild not a rMorK* »cxi:.ii imu ar.ci.ersctK of inrentions, plans au<l meain for sucli eiult, bo cstablnhed :v« hriytufore‘Uggeated, and preper ioorrii provided lor, a* wcII as ik»}», imint pfeera, Vr., all nuder a duo degrec of serrecy? Słiould not meb Intrean ■wg**'':' and fcarr gnural jitperrisio*, and ’-t*xr t cml rat cf alt tht wirem. mr.x<urr> Mrił Ml-ployed In llńt himl of warfare. somewhnt nfter the mannerof the Engioecr lluteau.in relation to cii<*nciT«, engineering, fce ?
II. AcTimaitr, naci\-iziTiosi and costtaoL ef ihrir ccc*l cud r/rer prircirm mu»t pr»»idcd for. And a* llńt kiod of warfare is *tiy important, aod the field of operationr very estenuic, I sukmit tbat the ce-nera! erjisniwlion should be łbdcpeódent te M*rue rstent: and e»c!> band sbosild be dirccted by the ioteotor or projector— jf ir U s pr«yrr per***—or sosie spcciali) fit leader; and sboutd be bośmd to ><cre»y—a system of «ig*sj, pa»sword». fce. The nuober, peculiar organization and m--*Ir of operat-ńg of ©ich baod, should ne arranged hy eactj leader aecoeding to *xi<«nci«s. (inder the generał uuthoriiy and enotrol of the department or distriet cum-mander. Lecul pruuetioo to operator* in e»sc of cap turę or loication foliowa of eourte.
III. A* to GorcayMBNrAL aio, tbotr«ju^»rt*/ii», «•< of werfahop*.ordnatier rferrj and «r-iltUrf »«* that «»y be re<isiircd, cai^bc. fun*Lib®d by distriet comoisnders, under sotae