mre a'6 numerous typM of thread a.«-ao« that can be ueed tor crochet.
- ;_o '3 cotion thread deeigned jceo-caity tor crochet and tha many 3 types of embrotosry thread and ««sa Stranded threads can be used as •r«y com# from tha łkam. or separated —- ^ov<łoai strands that can then be -icorr&f+a to create tha thtckness of •-f*a3, 'sourt. Skalna need to be !•-v-o by hand nto bals betore you
Crochet cotton Thraads soki aoecificaiy tor crochet ara Ina. smooth cottons.
uauaiy daacrtoad by a number
ranging trom 5 (tha coarsost) to 60 (wary fmo yam used tor traditlonni crochet). These cotton thread* ara otten descnbed as •merceruad.’ whfch means they have baan traatad mth an aikaii to Improro thalr strength and lustar. They ara ideał for shomng oh ntncate pottams and textures.
Pearl cotton
sean cotton is a firm. twist ed thread włth a
iy frtan. sold tor use « crochet. knitting.
tery. tt gwes a soher and less y twtsted ftnish than tradtlonai
«da. Pearl cotton łs -40
manufacturad In a rangę of !«>c*nesse* No. 3 le the heav»est and No. 5 (medtom-wełghi) the most common. Nos. 8 ffine) and 12 Nery tne) are aiso avaiabie. This thread may not be dMded Wo strands.
Soft embroldery cotton A heavywaight, ftghtiy
Silk floss L<e cottcn floss. hs threed may be stranded (tar or sk strands). The soft sheen of słoassa louch ot toxuy ro any crocheL
Cotton embroldery floaa (stranded cotton)
A skon is usuały tormed ot» fine strands toostfy wound together. Cotton tuas « s atotss n rwidads of piain cotors. as wol aashadsdand randorrvd»ad if^
Synthetic metallic thread Sometimes caied Lurex threads. these were cfignaJiy devetoped to imrtata true metal threads of real goto and s*/er. They are avaiabie today not )ust In goto and aher. but aiso in a wtoe vartaty ot cotors and weights. so a suitoblo substitute may be tound tor any weight ot throed.
Viscose rayon floaa
Ttw fioes 0 an (mcaaon sfc thread. tt s somettmee tocky i handto. but hasa baauMii sheen and Cadh ot cotor.