TEST 4 (Module 4)
H Imagine you are a reporter and you are asked to cover a strange story that happened to Tammy, a 10-year old girl. Tammy wanted to explore the nearby park and got lost. She was mrsslng for 6 hours. She had a stmllar experience to Tom In the previous exerdse.
Write the newspaper artlcle about Tammy’s strange experience ustng the artlcle In Ex. G and the questions to help you.
• When?
• Where?
• What was the matter?
• What happened then?
• How did it end?
I You will listen to a police officer who is interviewing a witness to a car accident. Look at the
pollce offlcer's notes and comptete the missing Information. Notes About Accident
■> Name of witness: e.g. Jućy Smith
When? 41) At.........................
i Where? corner of 42).........................Street and General 43).........................
^ What happened? 44).........................car speeding. Round corner/wrong side of the road.
Result? 45).........................into bus on General Drive.
112 © Eiprew PuMIUting PHOTOPOPIABLE