Using F hook and blue yarn.
HI: Cli 2.6 SC In second cli Irom hook. R2: 2 sc in each sc around. (12 sts) Fasten off. Ieaving a long taił for sewing. and set aside.
Using F hook and yellow yarn.
Rl: Ch 2. 4 sc in second ch Irom hook. R2: 2 sc In eacli sc around. (8 sls)
R3: Sc 8.
R4: 'Sc 1.2 sc in next sc*. rep 4 times. (12 sts)
R5: Sc 12.
Fasten off. Ieavmg a long taił for sewing. and set aside.
Using G hook and black yarn.
Rl: Ch 2. 6 sc In second ch froni hook. R2: 2 sc in each sc around. (12 sts) R3: ‘Sc 1. 2 sc in next sc* . rep 6 times. (18 sts)
R4: 'Sc 2. 2 sc In next sc*. rep 6 times. (24 sts)
R5: ‘Sc 3, 2 sc in next sc*. rep 6 limes. (30 sts)
R6-14: Sc 30.
R15: *Sc 3. dec 1*. rep 6 times.
(24 sts)
Work on face: Insert eyes into roundies. altach eyes to head. and sew roundies to head. Sluff beak and sew to head.
R16: 'Sc 2. dec 1*. rep 6 times.
(18 sts)
R17: Sc 18.
Stuff head firmly.
R18: • Sc 1. dec 1*. rep 6 times.
(12 sts)
Fasten off and weave In ends.
Using G hook and wbite yarn.
Rl: Ch 2,6 sc In second cli from hook. R2: 2 sc in each sc around. (12 sts)
R3: '3 sc In next sc. sc 5*. rep lwice. (16 sts)
Fasten off. Ieavmg a long taił for sewing. and set aside.
Using G hook and black yarn,
Rl: Ch 2.6 sc in second ch from hook. R2: 2 sc in each sc around. (12 sts) R3: 'Sc 1. 2 sc in next sc*. rep 6 times. (18 sts)
R4: ‘Sc 2.2 sc in next sc*. rep 6 times. (24 sts)