Using F hook,
Rl: Ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from hook.
R2: 2 sc in each sc around. (12 sts)
R3: 'Sc 1. 2 sc in nexl sc*. rep 6 times. (18 sts)
R4: * Sc 2. 2 sc in next sc*. rep 6 times. (24 sts)
R5-11: Sc 24.
R12: f Sc 2. dec 1*. rep 6 times.
(18 sts)
Work on faces: For all ammals, attach eyes. For bear, cut eye circles from felt. make a smali slit in the circles. and insert eyes. For bear, cat. bunny, mouse, and monkey, cut muzzle from felt. embroider nose and mouth. and sew muzzle to head. For turtle. embroider nose and mouth. For cat, embroider whiskers to face atter
sewing on muzzle.
R13: 'Sc 1. dec 1 \ rep 6 times.
(12 sts)
Stuff head.
R14: *Sk 1 sc, sc 1 *, rep 6 times.
(6 sts)
Fasten off. and weave in loose ends.
Using F hook.
Rl: Ch 2, 5 sc in second ch from hook.
R2: 2 sc in each sc around. (10 sts)
R3: • 1 sc. 2 sc in next sc*. rep 5 times. (15 sts)
R4-7* *: Sc 15.
* • If you're planning to give your toy a skirt. crochet R5 through back loops only (you'll use the front loops later when making the skirt). R6 and R7 are crocheted the usual way.
Turtle side
R8: * Sc 1. dec 1 *. rep 5 times.
(10 sts)
Fasten off. Ieaving a long taił for sewing. Stuff and sew body to head.