Enterprise 2 Elementary - Unit 14: Uve and Let Live
14.13 value /vaelju:/ (v) = cenić
e.g. He values his parents' opinion.
14.14 naturę documentary /neitjsr .dDkjamentri/ (n) = film przyrodniczy
14.15 weigh /wei/ (v) = ważyć
e.g. How many ki los do you weigh?
14.16 speed /spi:d/ (n) = prędkość
14.17 iliegal /i'li:g9l/ (adj) = against the law / nielegalny
Opp.: legał
14.18 valuable/'va0lju9bal/ (adj) = cenny Opp.: worthless
14.19 become extinct (phr) = wymierać, wyginąć e.g. Many rare species are in danger of becoming extinct.
14.20 captivity /kaeptiviti/ (n) = niewola e.g. It’s difficult to breed animals in captivity.
14.21 in the wild (phr) = na wolności (o zwierzętach)
14.22 product/'prDdAkt/ (n) = produkt
14.23 smuggle/smAg9!/ (v) = przemycać e.g. He was arrested for trying to smuggle drugs into the country.
14.24 border /'bo:rd9r/ (n) = granica e.g. I live near the border between the two countries.
14.25 amusing/a'mju:zir]/ (adj) = funny / zabawny
14.26 personality/,p3:rs0'naeliti/ (n) = character / osobowość
14.27 die out /dai 'aot/ (phr v) = to become extinct / wymierać, zanikać
14.28 survival /S9r'vaiv9l/ (U n) = przetrwanie
14.29 species/'spi:jiz/ (n) = gatunek
14.30 turtle/'t3:rt9!/ (n) = żółw morski
14.31 racoon/ras'ku:n/ (n) = szop
14.32 squirrel /sqwirel/ (n) = wiewiórka
14.33 bushy /buji/ (adj) = gęsty
e.g. Foxes are hunted for their long bushy tails.
14.34 hedgehog /'hed3hDg/ (n) = jeż
14.35 małe/meil/ (adj) = ptci męskiej
14.36 deer/diar/(n) = jeleń
14.37 antler/'$ntlar/ (n) = róg jelenia
14.38 vet /vet/ (n) = weterynarz
14.39 aguarium /9'kwe9ri9m/ (n) = akwarium
14.40 companion /kerrTpsnjan/ (n) = towarzysz
14.41 wag /wseg/ (v) = merdać, machać e.g. The dog wagged its taił when it saw its owner.
14.42 loyal /loial/ (adj) = lojalny e.g. He is a very loyal friend. He never disappoints me.
14.43 the elderly /Si 'eld9rli/ (pl n) = ludzie w podeszłym wieku
14.44 the blind /Se 'blamd/ (pl n) = niewidomi
14.45 owner /‘oon9r/ (n) = właściciel
14.46 company /'cAmpam/ (U n) = towarzystwo
14.47 train /trem/ (v) = szkolić, tresować e.g. You can train dogs to do tricks.
14.48 watchdog /wDtjdDg/ (n) = pies łańcuchowy
14.49 attention /a'tenj9n/ (U n) = troska, opieka
14.50 regular/'reg)ul9r/ (adj) = regularny
14.51 opposing /9'pouzir)/ (adj) = przeciwny
14.52 point of view (phr) = punkt widzenia
14.53 contrast /‘kDntra:st/ (n) = kontrast, przeciwieństwo
14.54 house pet /'haos pet/ (n) = zwierzę domowe
14.55 first of all (phr) = przede wszystkim
14.56 furthermore (adv) = moreover / ponadto poza tym
14.57 secure /si'kj09r/ (adj) = bezpieczny, pewny e.g. He has a secure job at the bank.
14.58 guide dog /'gaid dog/ (n) = pies przewodnik
14.59 on the other hand (phr) = z drugiej strony
14.60 however/hau'ev9r/ (adv) = jednakże
14.61 in exchange for (phr) = w zamian za
e.g. I gave him a book in exchange for the record.
14.62 sarcastic /sar kaestik/ (adj) = sarkastyczny
14.63 rhetorical ąuestion /ntorik9! ,kwestf9n/ (r = pytanie retoryczne
14.64 ~0'SOver/mo:rouvar/ (adv) = in addition ponadto, poza tym