Contamination by eating \ fish
Larvae enter intestinal tissue and causa eosinophilic granuloma
Euphausiids eaten by fish,
Larvae penetrate intestinal tissue and enter abdominal cavity.
Larvae lie on surface of organs, in mesenteries or musculature
Adutt małe and fermale in the intestine of marinę mammals
Egg in water
Larva hatces from egg
Larva enters euphausiids and reaches the hemocoel L|FE CyCLE Qf ANASAKIS SPP.
Adapfed and redratm from John H. Cross fUSUHS. F. Edward Hetert Schoof of ffedicine] DłYłsion of Troptcał Heałth. Depł. of Fre yenf/ye Med/c/ne and Brometrics)