

board of e^aminiog offioors, subjcct to the approval of the Proildont, and tlioir award bo immodiately paid tó the ctaimnols whoeeclaimfl aro approrcd; and tho csamining officcra shall tako eridenco as to tho originality and priority of inyentions, in caaos of ctairaa for compenaation, and also as to the claitns of different partica cloiming the bounty for tho samo work per* formcd, the clairoant bcing allowcd a reasonable tirne to pro* duce bis eridenco. and csnmination and raloation by cx perta be* iDg aotborized w hen neccssary, and the decision and award of the eiąmining board, w hen asked by the claimantó, shall be finał and biuuing; and shonld it appe&r from the testimony that tho partios using ony particular inrention or dcrice, in wholo or in part. woro not tho original inrentors, a portion of the award, to bo doterminod by tho board of esamining ofliccre, shall beraade to the party włio shall prorchis priori ty to tho in-yontion ; whieb ru!o shall also apply wlion an old inrention is sucecssfully ndapted to a ncw and raluablc usc. And for the destruction of other property in the enemy's country, where ench destruction shall be considercd sei viceable to tho caneo of tho Confcderatc .States, sucb compensation for the scrrice shall bc alloucdos may be adjudged c<iuitablc and ju3t Sec. II. Wheu it shall bo provcn to the satisfactioa of tho board of cxajnimogolficcr?. by the cridcnccof patentaorothor-wise, that the right of priority or owoership of any patented in* rention Is rightfully posscsacd, and tho gorernment has appro* priated and is using such patented inręnlion, a fair coropentation


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