2. W hen /Ow get some Christmas cards $em to ,c^. tu Them down the srrip eitr.er with Staples or morę plue sticky stuff. if you u$e Staples, just stąpię the Packs. Then you can look inside as wen as a; rhe picture on the (roni, ona you can use the fro.nts arierwards
Al Phi-sili,Us-i.Uic: Cl y'Ifiil
which .s rea seems te gc up m pnce if you eon (ind anyThing ;efr of ir m ihe shops Fortunaleiy you ean us^an-, ?ind crepe paper You'll neea iome tor this. bul you can u$e o roli of iinmg papef from the DlY shop and polnr ir red it yo._ can 1 get crepe paper Dark green looks good. łoc. oeccuse ir remmds peop.c o; tir rrees and holly lecves.
Youll aiso neec some of tria; sncky plue stuff which fixes pap er to walls
1- yOul pOpCi illiO sillp;
apour 50 mm wide, as long as you can fit on your wali. slartmg aPour 150 mm Dci <JVY *he ceilmg. Fix ro the wail at the top with the Diue Sticky stuff Make a oow our of the paper ro fix on the top.
Aaaitig a do«v ioi a tiiiisning tOuCt; can hiunc o pieseni iouk teaiiy speoiai .-,o r.eie ,« now redo it. If you ve ever got in o muadie with thar gift ribbon whtch sticks ro itseir wnen liCKea, don t despair r.ext nme you try it v.-ili be much easier!
You ll neeU.
$elf-adhesive giti ribDon
1. p-ui tolji piece; ar yin
ribbon — one wnich measoie* 200 mm. one 275 mm. one 350 mm and one <£25 mm
2. fwisr the laigesi piece nrc a tigure ot eigm shape ana dampen to secure it at the ends Do the same with the next biggest. Place it on top ot the firsr one. Do rhe same with rhe orher two In turn, ona pile rhem ail together in an attractive woy. Stopie them rhrough the middle - and fhere is your bow. ready to Dc put on to a parcel.