


•    Which psas of his vis»on h*ve cdme trtse?

•    Does an>thing in his vmon look old-fesh*oned 10 you?

•    What other dcveIopments in modem city iife could you tell Wm about?


1 You ar« goinj to read two texcs about city dcuelopment. Read the first paragraph of the text balów. How many ©f the features mentioned there are Auscrated m che pścture?

4    Skim the second texiWhat two generał aspects of cny dewełopmant does K focus on?

5    Amwer the toUowtng quesoons base-d on ttxt 2-

1    What phrasc in tcxt I links with the idea in linę 5 of test 2 tliat chies a»e becoming 'increaslngły Htandardlscd?

2    Explnln in your own words what che wriier Is refernny to as 'sodal and cultuial ghie'. (Ime 13)

Text 1

Imaginlng cMat of the futura was a łavourite 20th-century ipon Rkn dtrectors. nouefets and architacts all practńed it. dreaming up włth remarkable conustency głeaming towers s joinad by skyways, aeroplanes and helicopters flitting between tham like aerial butes, and buildings and people looking ever mora uniform.

Now the city of the futurę has become the •o city of tha present. and it turm out that a few things were ouertooked If the metropolis of tha Ztst cenimy does mdeed h*v» some targa łhlny blank buildings, it also includas such things as a Chama park in tha 15-year-old dly is of Shenzan, Chlna, whero Sydney Opera House, Cha Grand Canyon, the Elffel Towar and other great monumonts of the world are reproduced at raducad scalę.

for, as the fsfture-faaers faded to spot. the m industry that hshaping the dtym the 21st cen tury is entertainment Oncc tha urban rola modals wara tha skyscrapers of Manhattan.

Now it H Las Vegas, wlth itt rec»eations of Egypt medieval England. New York, Vanica, rs Paris. and anciant Roma. Las Vega$ ń tha fastest growing city in the United States and is spawning imłtations from Malaysia to Italy. It h the American city most people in China would ia« to vhit.

30    And aa osi the deve<oped wortd

entertainment is becoming ewer mora intimate with its good friend shopping. to craate malh that look Kkc theme parks and theme parics where you can do a lot of shopping.

' v. ■> '* - ~f- >*- . - -

Text 2

For somectty pbnnm. che attempc so crenr aa audtenac. IncaliMd omtonmtm weras dooswd r. Uigt ftnre gobble up ewytłung from coflee shop* to dry deanen The uklng wrr of the tradluonal shopping streei by thr big s chatn uom means that out ulic* are becoming incrcaskngly suaAantocd and ihac ć* >ery tBwwr of the independent BłotluM h under threai 8) tha poat. dearoolc eotnmiiCT Is now idding jb aaochcr dimractc as comunm are pajemed w»ch graca ebofce*. eomeaeeace. aad lowrr pntes to on the internet. Some dbsrrwn hehevc that the 'chaming' of shops and serutces. coupied with the growth of cyberspace, will won reach sudi a livrl that shopping districts will no longa bc ahlc to provtde the sodal and culrural giue holding together the local community.

•s For on ours to continoe to km a role o the tanu. perhapt wmnhinj cłse mest be oftnd Many atts mc csdturai aad am-rrlatrd actmoes - dimwb. theaocs. balet, aod ńdn productiosi -as potrafili sourm of urban tecowry la che USA. ClewCand s Rock and Rofl Hsfl of Famę - -mm afwr ftmt to compeutlon with other. atgiubly morę attrjctive locales - has glvesi the city a new publK Image.

Bsit although a hbrary. conccrt hall, or an musetun can lure mitom on spedał occiskms. only the marketplace can crate a true pennanent central place Wlthout retalllng, the commercul >S tuUlkaUoB tn» the City certre aad the High Street will hr.e beat ks Ultlmaieły: tn ruda to oin nt. a roind cny etntit unii bm to combme a watr of commtinKy aad usśąaaiess wuh a arong mowwtnal appeai.

6 Read the Wowttg summary cask carefcJy.

In a paragraph of between 50 and 70 words, summarise in your own words as far as possible the maln trends in city development descrlbod In the texts.

2 Skim che whole of the first texi.What does the writer think is the main factor influenong cicy deuelopment?

3 Amwer the followmg quescions based on text 1. You don’t need to wrice compiece sentcnces.

1    According to the writer, how accuraie were 20th-century ideas about fiirure ciilcs and wliy?

2    Which phrase in paragraph 2 cchoc* the vlew of the city of the futuro stiggested in |Mrngraph 1?


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