CCF20101026 002
I. Conversations 'Asking the NWay
STRAnger. ExN/cusc me, will 'tliis 'take me to the 'station. resident. 'Ycs, 'straight xon. ,rrurn to the Jeft when you ,gct to the /jikI. You’11 'see a 'notice tlierc. You. 'can’t go /wrong.
stranger. *Is it 'far.
resident. Ahout ,three or four /ninutes.
stranger. 'Thank you very 'much.
NRende7 vous
MRS. green. 'Wlicre shall 1 Nmeet you.
M]{. green. ‘IIow’11 you be Ncoming. mrs. green. 'Tubc froin 'Hampstead. mr. green. 'Tottenham Coui t'Road, tlien. mrs. green. ‘Wliat 'time.
mr. green. Is a ’quarter pasł 'twelve too *early l'>i you, -\Vc’d 'bctter not be pnucli N/Iater. mrs. GREEN. nNo, 'that’s all /right. 'Wliere a'boui *vili you 'be.
MR. GREEN. 'Ncar the Nescalator.
MRS. GREEN. 'Down b<*'lo\v, d’you *mcan. mr. (jreen. 'No, in the 'booking ollice. mrs. (JREEN. All /right; 'sec you Nthen.
The 'Lunch ,Prohlem
smitii. 'What do we *do 'uow.
Jones. ,Look for sonie 'lunch, I sliould ^think. ,1’m 'hungry.
smith. ,Everywhere’ll be 'fuli round 7here. We’d 'better ,go to my 'club.
JONES. lt’s a 'bit xfar, don’t you /think. 11ładu’t we better *see if we can get 'in somewhere 'first. smith. I 'don’t think it’s 'really 'worth it. We 'will if you
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File0007 I cm cKprcjs my likcj and dislikcs. 3 1.08 Listen to four conversatilm331 LM131A/LM131, LM231A/LM231, LM331A/LM331 Precision Voltage-to-Frequency ConvertersGeneral Desc□ Listen again and complete the conversation with the words in the box. like Fd like drinkPROF. H.D. VELANKAR’S CONTRIBUTION TO VEDłC STUDIES 229 conversant wilh the Ve<}2rigas includingCCF20110611 016 What are the 3 stages of evaiuation Nevślle Grant recommands? Oeflne each briefiy. 8CCF20101026 000 120 Rewrilc the sentcnces so as to emphasize tho words in italics, using U is or ItCCF20101027 001 generalisations without the The does nol inean ‘all’. We do nol usc the in generalisCCF20110521 000 SECTION 6DiseasesMatch the common name for a disease with its medical equivalent. CoCCF20110912 005 CHAPTER 14: THE GUSTATORY AND OLFACTORY SYSTEMS 177 Olfactory System Humans are micrCCF20131018 008 (2) ExetcSse 2 Read the Information helów. It is about starting a claim in the civil35Byzantine Influence in the Conversion of the Baltic Region?PER BESKOW Scandinavia is situated betwhomer narty THIS HOLIDAY SEASON TAKE TIME TO BELAX, NOT TO RECMPERATE HELP THE WHOLE FAMILY END THEwięcej podobnych podstron