Autonomy — controi your own learning, learners bave indiyidijaf needs and learning styies (learner centred instruction = step towards autonomy}
3^ Learning styies — preferred way of iearning may be infiuenced by biographical factors or innately endowed factors. Types of learning styies are often presented in p.....? (anaiytic yersus gfoba!)
jjj Learning strategies - techniques or behaviours that L's consciousiy apply in order to enhance their learning (while reading L's took up and record new words for iater review).
2 Promotion of Autonomy:
-the course should reflect learners (goals/tasks/strategies)
- raising awareness
- specifying objectives
- make Ss to think about how they learn
- morę they think morę they are abie to change
Strategies: Sociai/Metacognitive/Compensation/Cognitive/Affective/Memory
2 T styies: Autocratic, Iaisse2 - faire, Paternalistie, Consuitatiye, Participatory, Democratic
3 Whv it is so imoortant to make Ss aware of different iearning strategies?
Make 16 learning morę interesting and individualized Different Ss different preferences Weil matched strategy = group working efficiently T > S intellectual bond
Ą Ryba czy wędka? : Autonomy = personal activities of tbe learner in a foreign language communication, independence in making, doing and evaluating
tasks. lnvolves the gradual reduction of dependence on the teacher, but he is needed, his task is not to restrain studenfs initiative but to set boundaries of an action. Developing of autonomy is possibie in school and outside it. There are yarious techniąues and methods of buiiding autonomy, The biggest problem is the seiection of appropriate materials from their enormous amount. You can give your student a fish or a fishfng rod.
5 ępmparej.ęgming ftyięs and ie?rn,ing,§tr3tęgięs:
Learning styies:
- reflectivity / impulsiyity (longer, less mistakes / faster, a lot of mistakes}
- relying on narrow categories / wide (W = too broad generalization)
- dependence / independence from the field (n = better in perceiving details)
- dominant t/pe perceptual - the freedom to choose the ways they consider most efficient.
-metacognitive-generai pianning, preparatory, contro! and evaluation actions
- cognitive = methods of better understanding
- social and affective - interactions with others
How to deyeiop responsibiiity and autonomy.
Responsibie Ls - accept the idea that their own efforts are cruciai to progress in learning and behave accordingly, willing to cooperate. They consciousiy
monitor their own progress and make an effort to use ayailable opportunities to their benefit, induding classroom aetivities and homework. We need 2 develop:
- motivation and self-confłdence
- monitoring and evaluation {focus on process),
- cooperation and group cohesion
- learning strategies
- sharing infGrmation with the learner
- consistent controi
- deiegating tasks and decisions (make Ss morę involved)
Developing L's responsibiiity:
- raising awareness,
- changing attitudes
- transferring roles