Use of the RDS Function
RDS is a serYice of the public radio institu-tions wtiicłi has been introduced Europe-wido to facilitate the search for Ihe desired VHF radio slation ard its interference-free reception.
In additionto Ihe programs transmitted, RDS iran&mlfters also rarileta a dlglfal data telegram containing information which is automatically interpreted by RDS receivers.
Ff RDS is switched on. the dasignation ol the radio station is shawn on the display.
E&C-tl RDS station trarisrnits al several Ire-qi>encies, The radio receirer conlinuaFly compares Ihe signal qualily of Ihese tre-quencies during travel and changes fre-quencies to mainlain reception of the stron-gest frequency at all tirnes fbest reception of the selecled radio stalion). The radio station designation on ttie display remains uncłianged.
Activate RDS * Select Ihe VHF waveband < Depress [RDS] O -
t r i.ii i h..a i
11 iii i^11 \ ±
co rds" "" n° ' ""
Display; RDS activated
Tho symbol "F?DSMisdisplayed. Ttie scarcłi function will now only rcact to RDS transmitters. The radio will automatically select ttie frcpucncy as woli as the radio station which can be recewed best.
If the radio station set is not a RDS irans-mitter, than a MEMORY search will be eon-ducted and the VHF additional marnoty will' be automatically updafed (sae sectlon :'Update VHF Additional Memory", page EB),
Deactivate RDS
Depress [RDS] O keyegain. '
The symbol "RDS" is no longerdi&played, j The freguency is displeyed instead ot the radio station designation. The radio no Fen-ger determines the best reception freguerr-cy for that radio station.
Display the Frequency of a RDS j Tranem itter.
Depress the [UML] <£i key[approx.
1 second) until the display switches from ) the radio station designation over to the receplion frequency.
The frequency is displayed for approK. Sseconds.