

J Black and red permanent markers

□    3eige paint and paint biush J ^olyester “iberti I

□    Sewing thread

U Sewing and tapcstry nuedles

□    No. 8 Steel hcok or hook reed-ed to obtain gauge


9    r.s = I *; 6 hcc rows = I'; 4 dc rows = 1

Basic srrrcHES.

Ch, sl st, sc, hdc, dc.


Rnds 1-14: With tan, work rnds 1-14 of Santa Body on pages 3 anc 4.

Rnd 15: Working in bach Ips (see Slilch Guide), cb 2, hdc in each st around, join willi sl st in top ol cli-2. (i26 hoe)

Rnds 16-20: Ch 2, Itd:. in twh sl around, join.

Rnd 21: Ćh 2, hdc in nex: 11 sts, hdc iiex: 2 sts log, (luk in noxl 1sts, hcc ncxt 2 sts tog) around, join. (117)

Rnds 22-26: Ch 2, hdc in each st around, join.

Rnd 27: Ch 2, hdc in next 10 sts, hdc nexl 2 sli Log, (hdc in next 11 sts, hdc next 2 sts tcg) around, join. (108)

Rnds 2&-30: Ch 2, hdc in each st

arounc,    join.

Rnd 31: Ch 2, hdc in nwd y sts. hdc next 2 sb tog, (hdc in next

10    sts, hdc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (99)

Rnds 32-34: Cli 2, hdc ir each st

around,    join.

Rnd 35: Ch 2, hdc in iH*xt 8 sls, hcc ncxt 2 sts tog, (hdc in next sts, hdc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (90)

Rnds 36-39: Ch 2, hdc in each st around, join.

Rnd 40: For beading, di 1, scm

tirst st, ch 3, skip next st, (sc in rext st, ch 3, skip next st) around, join willi s sl in firsl sc. fasten off.

A RM (make 2)

Rnd 1: With beige, ch 2, 8 sc m second ch front hook, join with sl st in first sc. (9 sc madę)

Rnd 2: Work ng in batk Ips, (ch 7, hdc) in fiisL sl, 2 hdc in each sl around, join with sl sl in top of ch-2. Fasten off.

Rnd 3: join tan with sl st in first st. ch 2, hdc in each st around, join.

Rnds 4-17: Cli 2, hdc n c arh sl around, join. At cnd of last rnd, fasten off. Stu^f.


NOTĘ: Do not join mds uniett nthpr-twso staied. Mark iiesl ii o( euth md.

Rnd 1: With tan, ch 10, sl sf in first ch to form ring, cli 1, sc in each ch arc jnd. (10 sc madę)

Rnds 2-4: Skip fir sl sl, sc in eac h sl around. Al cnd of lusl rnd (7).

Rnd 5: Sc n next st, (sc next i sts tog) 2 times. Fasfen off. Slnff.

ŁAR (make 2)

With tan, ch 5, sc ri seccnd ch from nook, sr in earh of next 2 dis, (2 sc, ch 7, sl st r top sc jus: madę, 2 sc) in rex: ch; working in remaining Ips on opposite sicie of slarling rh, sc in each ch across. Fasten off.

ANTLER RACK (make 2)

C ut fc jr pieces from cheniile steru varying from W to 2" in leiiglh; holding tour pieces together twist at one end tc seeure. Hare opposite cnds oui to shape each prong Dee photo).


1: For head, parni wooccr bali knob bege. Let dry.

2: On center front of wooden bali knob, make two slanted slashes with black marker Vz aparl for eyes.

3: With red marker, color cip of Muzzle tor nose. Gluc Mu«!e centered on head between eyes.

4: Glue each Ea- W upur. al top of head leasing haif of Car unglued to curl up. Gluc one Anller Kark behird cach Ear (see photo).

5: Applying a littie glue, insert stirk into nole at bottom of lirad. Sel aside.

6: Gather netting W from edg? with sewing ncctJU: .ind I iire.rd. Place Potpourri in center and puli thread to gather netting doseri. Seęune thread by tying in knot a: top ot potpourri bal.

7: 'or drawstring, with tan, rh 120. Fasten off. Slarling and ending at front, weave drawstring through beading rnd on Body. Insert potpourri bali into Bocy. Insert end of sticc throuqli top of Body. Puli drawstring tighlly and lie ends in bow.

& For each Ann, flatlcsi łasi rnd and sew ovcr rn.c 33 on Body (see photo).

9: Tie green libbon in tx>w around necie 1X1


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