ruj V n center Iron: for taco (sce pholo). Let dry. Paint two black dot«. W apart for eyes. Let ery.
2: for beak, cu: felt in half to forn two triangles. Clue one piere on top of the other. Gluc lorig edge to nead centered below eyes. Applying a ittle ghip, insert stek into hole at ool-tom or head. Set aside.
5: Cather netting W from edqe with sewing needle and thread. Place Potpourri in center and ptill thread :o gather nett ng rlosed. Seętre thread by lying in knot at top ot potpourri bali.
4: for drawstring, with black, ch 120. faster ar. Starting and end-ing at front.. weave drawstring through beading md on Body. Insert putpouni oall into Body. Insert end of stick througf top of Body. Puli drawstring lightlyand lic ends in bow.
S: :or each Wing, with black siće up. sew over md 48 or Body (see płiolc).
6: Tie riobon arnund neck for