


Complete Spanish Grammar

Reflexive Constructioiis with Stem-Changiiig and Irregular Verbs

Stem-C11aiigiiig Verbs in Reflexive Constructions

The following list contains several reflexive verbs with stem chan ges in the present. Review them before doing the next exercise. If necessary, consult the unit on verbs with stem changes (Unit 2) for a morę extensive review.

acostarse (o > ue)

to go to bed

me aeuesto

despedirse (e > i)

to say good-bye

me despido

despertarse (e > ie)

to wake up

me despierto

desvestirse (e > i)

to get undressed

me desvisto

dormirse (o > ue)

to go to sleep

me duermo

probarse (o > ue)

to try on (clothing)

me pruebo

sentarse (e > ie)

to sit down

me siento

torcerse (o > ue)

to twist

me tuerzo

yestirse (e > i)

to dress (up)

me visto



lQue ha cen? Escńbe la forma apropiada del presente del verbo reflexivo entre parentesis.

1.    Hace calory Marcela_ (vestirse) eon ropas ligeras (light).

2.    En la tienda, las seńoras_ (probarse) unos sombreros muy elegantes.

3.    Antes de darse un bano, Ana_ (desvestirse).

4.    Todos los dias, los chicos

5.    Gasi todas las noches yo _

_ (despedirse) de sus amigos antes de regresar a casa. (acostarse) a las 11 de la noche.

6. Tom nunca

(dormirse) antes de la medianoche.

Irregular Reflexive Yerbs

Many irregular verbs are used in reflexive constructions.

Me pongo el abrigo.    I put on my coat.

Here are a few irregular verbs used in reflexive constructions. Examples are given in the present and with the yo form:





to distract oneself    me    distraigo

to leave    me voy

to get better    me    repongo

to support, sustain oneself me sostengo

Notę: Many of these verbs are compounds of irregular verbs like tener, traer, etc., and are conju-gated like the basie verb. Not all the English equivalents are expressed with -self or -selves.


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