(Ooiiars In Thousands) as of February 1985 (Latest Flgures AvallaWe)
Stal* |
Data |
A* aeta |
llabames |
Surplu* |
Fiotida |
6/84 |
50.569 |
60.585 |
-10.016 |
Kansas Maine* |
6/84 12/83 |
8.013 6.204 |
6.013 3.843 |
-0- 2.361 |
M>m<aui«lt>___12/83_2*0*29_______ 5*9.416 -308*7
Naw Hempehir* 12/63 12.101 44.231 -32.130
New Jwsey* |
12/83 |
79.264 |
127.854 |
-48.090 |
New York |
12/83 |
254.194 |
503.187 |
-248.993 |
OWo’ |
9/83 |
30.535 |
8.261 |
22.274 |
Pennsytvanla |
12/83 |
40.883 |
32.654 |
8.229 |
Rhode 1 stand |
12/83 |
44.750 |
85.925 |
-41.175 |
South Carolina |
12/83 |
17.144 |
30.042 |
-12.898 |
Tennossoo' |
12/83 |
19.402 |
26 |
19.376 |
Texas |
12/83 |
48.574 |
32.949 |
15.625 |
Wifconsin |
12/83 |
67.487 |
72.758 |
-5.271 |
•Deactuatod — |
No konger Writmg Business |
Wn JO* 4m»1> 5* *•»«..( iUitrm-H M iCre-*a tn W ***•<• V MtfM
C1«4 -OJ-Cl c‘ trr*><sr r»/\yx»
Conci: F.asy familiarny of man and wifeon sarcophagu* lid it typital of Etrutcjn attitudct (p. 48)
Photograph by Picrrc Boulat
Mww 4. Vllt» Ciulu. Rotk
14 Smithsoman humoru by Set ret ary Adaim 16 l-rttcrt loth* F.ditor
26 dround ihe Mail and Ocyond by Edward* Park J4 Pheitomena.eommentandnolesb) John P. Wilcy jr. 42 Poinli of ongiti by Michael Olmeri
48 The inKTuiablc Eiruuam
Deipitc ihe many aitifau* ihcy leli bchind, their origin ii mytteriom, their languagc unintelligible By Dora Janc Hainblin. photogiapht by Pierre boulai
60 The groundhog i* a poor prophet
He<an’t prediet spring’*arrival. but hehasother thing* going for him—intluding mcdtcal icve.n<h By Bil Gilbert
72 Poyageritoneofa kind
II it flie* nonstop around the world. it will test the Rutan brotheis’ ideat about aireraft design By Edward* Park
80 'I likctomakcmy paintingstmile’
And looking at Hcnri Kmiwru'i work. compared with soine other modern art. wc enjoy \milmg back By Robert Wcrnick
Ifcmfrraracno-, '©ewi