Thli b t kgal agrcemcot bctwccn you (in iodMdual or *n cntity), tbc cod uicr, and MJcrografi. Inc. If you do not agrtc to tbe term* of tbl* Agreement, promptly return che dbk packagc and accompaoying i term (Includlog writCen cnattrlalt and binder* or otber Container*) to tbc place yo«i obtained tbera for a fuli refund.

1.    GRANT OF LICENSE Tbb M*crogra(x Software Lkcoac Agjocmcit (*L»ccn»c*) pcnmU you to ust ooc copy of the Mterugraf* acdlwirc product (“SOFTWARE*) oo any single Computer. pnyodcd tbc SOFTWARE n in u*e oo ooły coc Computer »t any time If you ha*« raultipk Lkcojcs (or tbc SOFTWARE* tbco al any time you may have as many wpici of tbc SOFTWARE m usc as yc*a bavc Lkcoscs. Tbc SOFTWARE is “in use" ia a oonapwter when it i* k*udcd toto the tempora/y necnory (ia.. RAM) or is iesiallod into the permaaeet rnemcey (e g. kard disk. CI> ROM. c* other storage d*vice) of Chat Computer. boweucr, a copy instalkd on a netuort *mer (or chr sołe purposc of distribubon to other Computer* ts not “in u*c.“ If the anckipated awtbo of urn of tbe SOFTWARE will excood the aumber of apcikabfe Liceoses, you must havc a reatonaUe mocbajusm or proces* in płace to assurc that the atc&ber of peooc* using the SOFTWARE ccecurretdy does not cxcćed the number of Ucenics If tbe SOFTWARE js pcrmaocndy iostaiłcd oo tbc Kard dok er CK Ser itoragc dmke of a ccmpetcr (ceber thao a octwuik *ciyctX tben tbc person autborieed to uac such Computer also may v*c tbe SOFTWARE oo a poftabłe Computer. laptop and borne Computer. If soch pcisoe* aulhoruatioa to use soch ccmpater cease* for any mason (e g tenora boo of empfo>m<etX tbm soch penons autbority to use the software oo a pertabłe Computer, laptop and bonie Computer shaS cease

2.    COPYRIGHT. The SOFTWARE i* owocd by Mierografk or itr tuppbcr* and »* prutccta! by Uraled States uopynght law* and intcroabooal treaty prottsioni Tberefore. you mutf treat tbe SOFTWARE Ide any other copynghted nuteral (eg, a book or mumeal recording\ exceot that you may ertber (a) make one copy of tbe SOFTWARE »Wy for backup or archi vaJ pnrpof> or (b) transfer tbc SOFTWARE lo a singk bard disk prwnJod you kocp tbc ongjaaI aulcły for backup er archoal pwrposcs You may not copy wnBen materiał* accompanying the SOFTWARE

3.    OTHER RESTRICTIOSS. This Lkecsc is your proof of bcense to exerci*e tbe ngkis granted berem and must be recained by you. You may noc rent or teasc tbe SOFTWARE* but you may transfer your r.ghu oaSer thts Licea sc on a permaacnt bant pcowfod that you transfer ihii Lkc*k. tbe SOFTWARE and all accompanying written malerials. you rctain no eopies, and the reupoenl apcci to tbe tenns of this Ucense You raay not dcccespfc. or Asaatcmbte the SOFTWARE. If tbe SOFTWARE ts te apdate. any transfer must indoic tbe update and all prior versiona

4.    MULTIPLE MEDIA SOFTWARE If tbc SOFTWARE packagc contra bocb Ji“ and 5.25“ disics. or other media. then you may use «ty tbc media appropriate for your single designated Computer or network scotr. You may use tbe ceber media oo aoocher Computer or Computer ocewofk. cc loan. rent. lease* or transfer them to anotber user cxcept as pan of a transfer or ceber use exprcasły permittod by thts Uceosa


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